openSUSE 13.2: Wireless adapter not recognized, even after release notes followed

Hi, taytong888

assuming the packages
are installed

run cmd

journalctl | grep ‘Nov 10’ > journalctl-Nov10.txt

then past the file to

for security it’s suggested all entries of the form
111.222.333.444 be replaced with
11:22:33:44:55:66:77 be replaced with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888 be replaced with xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx

this will show if or how your card is being detected


trying to have 3 network i/f’s running at the same time?

Hi, taytong888

if the file is posted to
then send the reference for it

as a solution was found for the 12.1 install it
should work for 13.2

has the hardware changed?


Just an “academic” test. You could blacklist ath5k and remove all Broadcom related packages. Then, try using Windows drivers via ndiswrapper. If works, look and provide some logs. I am not a wireless guru, maybe it’s worth give a try however.

I also have a dual boot (actually quadruple, considering both the SSD and the HDD).
Windows 10 and 8 work fine, with openSUSE 13.2 and 13.1 on disks the WiFi adapter is not detected at all. The openSUSE live USB works perfectly. I just performed a full upgrade of 13.2 from the USB, but nothing changed, ifconfig only shows lo interface booting from disk.
The WiFi adapter is D-Link DWA 140 and it has been working with openSUSE so far, can’t figure out what happened.

First a remark:
You should better open a new thread for your problem instead of appending your question to a year old thread about completely different hardware.

To be able to help you, we’d need the exact model that you use.
Is this an internal wireless device, or an external one connected via USB?
In the first case, please post the output of “/sbin/lspci -nnk”, in the latter case the output of “lsusb”.

Do you have kernel-firmware installed? That might be the difference between the LiveUSB and your installed system.

And when you say “it has been working with openSUSE so far”, with which versions exactly?

Hi wolfi323, thank you for your comment.
The issue didn’t appear to be solved, so I thought that information on a similar issue could help a bit, but I will open a new thread with a more specific question.

Nevermind, in my case the network adapter turned out to be not configured and for some reason the iw package was not installed. I copied the .rpm from Windows and installed it with zypper install. Weird, though, that the WiFi package chain went suddenly broken.