Greetings !!
I wonder why when, in the laboratory, when trying to update local computers from the LAN there is some “unknown error: connection reset by peer”: either using online update/packagekit/zypper ?
We could have a better performance if we do not pass thru the router, with the cable directly connected to the output server of the school but I only could try this for three computers at all (close to the short cable).
The router is a Linux Box with two network interfaces: the one serving the network and the other serving the network.
This router does SNAT to make all requests from the inner network to be taken as (the interface connected to the network).
I use iptables and ip6tables, the rules will be given tomorrow as I did not work today and can’t remember with precision the rules I made.
I cut the ipv6 traffic dropping all packets from both interfaces:
ip6tables -F
ip6tables -P INPUT DROP
ip6tables -P OUTPUT DROP
ip6tables -P FORWARD DROP
ip6tables -P -t nat PREROUTING DROP
ip6tables -P -t nat POSTROUTING DROP
ip6tables -t nat -P INPUT DROP
ip6tables -t nat -P OUTPUT DROP
ip6tables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j DROP
ip6tables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -j DROP
ip6tables -A INPUT -i eth1 -j DROP
ip6tables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -j DROP
Concerning ipv4, I accept all packets from eth1 (local network interface) and route them to eth0 (school network).
It works as I could ping the server from any computer from the local network.
Using traceroute I can see each time that we hop from to and then to the route given… the Linux Box routing seems working.
When using zypper we can see the download starting at 1400K/s and once reached 90% the connexion drops to 1K/s and then the error occurs (time out ???).
More informations to come: I forgotten to send the screenshots so I will have them tomorrow as I do not work today.
The network has fifteen 13.2 computers equipped with Gb network cards. All these computers are linked to a single Gb switch and this one connected to the main category 6 ethernet cable to the outside network.
I asked for this week to separate the class into two Gb switches but I’m not sure the problem is isolated to the performances of this switch, the internet works fine, sometimes we got the main router (outside of our network) that can not route no more.
When this happen we can see using traceroute that there is H! signals after the (the outside server) just as: H! H! H!
It takes one minute to recover and then we could again connect to the internet.
How can I diagnose the issue using WireShark ? I did it one time but nothing at screen could tell me what was wrong using the update/zypper/package kit features.
Thank you in advance and apologies for the poor descriptions, I will tomorrow bring more pictured elements to let you see what is going on and determine if we are cursed or we just have a weak network administrator.