openSuse 13.2 : No sound yet again, ASRock mobo


I’ve got an asrock mobo and I cannot for the life of me get the audio to work on openSuse.

In Yast -> Sound I have 2 audio cards, Intel and ATI, which I assume relate to my CPU and GPU. I’m a bit confused as to which I’m suppose to be using, or if I’m suppose to download something for my mobo for the sound to work. Activating either of them in with the default settings does not make my sound work anyways.

In pavucontrol nothing is muted and the Port; says HDMI/ DisplayPort(plugged in) and there’s another box below it with the audio info for Line Out( plugged in). When I play music, I can see that HDA ATI HDMI in pavucontrol has the output of the music, but I cannot hear the sound.

In yast -> user management, my user is added to audio group

alsa info script:

thank you!

Ok HDMI from the video chip goes to your TV (if used) You want to use the other sound device.

Which is first in the list in Yast-Sound

If you don’t get sound in the test in Yast -Sound then you can not get it to work else where. It has to work there. If test sound works there and if KDE try the sound setup there also both need to work before it will work for an app.

k, the ‘intel corporation’ is first on Yast and i set it to the primary card… the sound does not work there though

now when I check back at pavucontrol, on the playback tab I can see the a box for the ALSA plug-in [plugin-container]: ALSA Playback which has audio input from videos in the background, no sound. Under the output devices, there is only one that is also getting the audio input called Dummy Output.

What do you see in configuration?

Are you sure you are plugged into the correct connector?

pavucontrol configuration - no cards detected available for configuration