opensuse 13.2 kde5 strange yast behavior

i’m using kde frameworks 5 (using the kde and qt5 opensuse repositories) with my opensuse x64 distribuition for quite some time. During the way, must likely associated with some package update the yast stop worked. The fun thing is that it works if I call yast2 --gtk, it reverts to qt, as gtk interface is not install but then it woks. I’m attach a screen shot.

Best regards,

as the screenshot seems not to be visible here the comands otput

using qt5ct plugin
QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory
/sbin/yast2: line 440: 13352 Segmentation fault      $y2ccbin $Y2UI_ARGS "$@"

BlueStar-UBI:/home/atome # yast2 --gtk
GTK GUI wanted but not found, falling back to Qt.
QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory

Try to uninstall qt5ct, this overrides Plasma5/KF5’s settings and can cause strange problems.

If that doesn’t help, please post the last lines of /var/log/YaST2/y2log after a failed start of YaST.

Thanks, It worked!