openSUSE 13.2 How to remove flash-player forever?

If i remove flash-player and its dependecies with zypper, like:

zypper rm flash-player pullin-flash-player flash-player-kde4

it removes fine.
But next time when i run Software management it installs pullin-flash-player and flash-player-kde4 back again.
I want to know which is correct way to remove flash-player and its dependecies forever?

See here:

The best thing probably is removing the pattern that recommends flash-player. I don’t know which one that is at the moment, but you can browse them in View->Patterns. If you select one, you’ll see a list of packages that it requires/recommends/suggests in the package list on the right.
To remove a pattern (not the packages), you’ll have to do so in the pattern list on the left.

In Yast software management, right click on “pullin-flash-player” and mark it to never install (taboo).

You can probably do the same with:

# zypper addlock pullin-flash-player

I have not tested that.

Hello Wolfi323,
Setting taboo on pattern Misc. Proprietary Packages seems do the trick.
Thank you.

firefox is pulling it in

you could forbid flash from installing in the yast gui
( the option is on the r-click menu )

uninstall firefox rpm and use the mozilla tarbal
the 64 bit firefox is

AFACIS Firefox does neither require (or else you couldn’t even uninstall it without removing Firefox too) nor recommend flash-player:

wolfi@amiga:~> rpm -q --recommends MozillaFirefox

So I see absolutely no need to remove the Firefox package and install from mozilla’s tarball instead…