OpenSuSe 13.2 Gnome - Booting Stopped

Hi, i’m a new linux user and still learning. I’ve could install some software using yast, learning linux terminal, and configuring the system. But yesterday my Open Suse went wrong, it was booted up but stopped on the green wallpaper, i was waiting for minutes, but nothing changed. But my Windows 7 on another partition still working as normally. What should i do ? Should i do a reinstall ?

Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and you should be able to login to text mode. Does this work?

Try to select “Recovery Mode” in “Advanced Options” in the boot menu.

Check that your / partition is not full:

df -h

And more information about your system would be helpful, in particular what graphics card/driver you are using, did you install updates immediately before your system broke, …

i’ll try the text mode login. . .Recovery mode > how long should i waiting ? I’ve tried it, but stopped when “reaching graphical mode”. . .Partition full ? No. . . Install updates ? What updates do you mean ?

So Xorg doesn’t start there as well.

Install updates ? What updates do you mean ?

Any updates.
There must be a reason why your system suddenly doesn’t boot to a GUI any more.

So, what graphics chip/driver?
If you installed a proprietary driver you might have to reinstall it after certain updates (kernel, Xorg, Mesa).

Does it work if you run “startx” in text mode (when logged in as root)?
Please post the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old, or the output of startx if that doesn’t work either.

i’ve tried booted up in recovery mode, then press CTRL+ALT+F1, and logged as root . . .how to copy that file in text mode ?

So did you try “startx”?

Regarding the file:
How are you posting here now? From Windows I suppose.

You can copy the file via “cp xxx yyy” e.g. but you’d need to transfer it somehow to be able to post it.
Maybe boot from a LiveCD or similar?

You should be able to mount an USB stick in text mode and copy the file there, something like:

mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log /mnt

Or copy it to your Windows partition in a similar way.

If your stuck there, just display the file and make a picture of the screen:

cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Hopefully this would show something already.

If recovery mode doesn’t work either, it’s probably not a video driver problem though.
But still: what graphics card are you using? Did you install any additional driver for it? (nvidia, fglrx)

I did tried startx, and still remember some parts of the log, Couldn’t start X Display Manager, and 3 directories is missing (root/xxx/xxx), i’ve forgot the directories, but looks like Xorg installation folder on root folder. . .I’m posting from my phone. . . So it means i could use the file manager in my Open Suse live CD right ? . . .I didn’t install any propietary driver, i’m having an updated mesa (updated days ago before this problem occured) & default xorg driver which preinstalled . .I have no graphics card, i’m using an Intel GMA X4500. . .

Would be nice to know which folders are missing to give further advise.

So it means i could use the file manager in my Open Suse live CD right ?

Yes, that’s one possibility.

I didn’t install any propietary driver, i’m having an updated mesa (updated days ago before this problem occured) & default xorg driver which preinstalled . .I have no graphics card, i’m using an Intel GMA X4500. . .

Ok. So this definitely should not be a graphics driver issue.

my xorg log file

   144.360] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Wed Feb 25 14:27:52 2015

This is from recovery mode and I see nothing wrong in there otherwise.

But it is from Feb. 25th. Are you sure that this from a failed boot?

Please login as root, run this, and then post the created file startx.log:

startx >startx.log

here is my newest log file

Well, I still don’t see anything wrong in there.

So what about the messages that “startx” prints?

.serverauth.1112 not exist etc/x11/xim : line 107 gsettings no such file or directory etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc.comon line 185 xrdb no such file or directory

Hm. You should have xrdb. Try to reinstall it:

zypper in -f xrdb

But I’m not sure whether this can cause your problem or not.

Does startx work if you set DEFAULT_WM=“icewm” in /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager?
Do you get a login screen if you set DISPLAYMANAGER=“xdm” in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager?

You can use a text editor or YaST->System->Editor for /etc/sysconfig. Both is possible in text mode too.
Just type “yast”, or this:

pico /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager

Hm. I just tried to remove xrdb here, and GNOME still started fine. So that’s likely not the reason for your problem.

Btw, you definitely should have gsettings as well, so better reinstall glib2-tools too:

sudo zypper in -f glib2-tools

But this shouldn’t cause your problem neither.

it works, icewm and xdm works . . .

Well, then GNOME seems to be crashing on startup.

Can you run GNOME applications inside IceWM?
Try to type “gedit” in a terminal window and post the output if it doesn’t run.

i could run those software without any errors . . .all the software . .

the problem is the GDM . . .ive changed the WM to Gnome with XDM and worked . .but GNOME with gdm doesn’t work . .

thanks, ive solved my problem . . .the display manager automatic login is set to my old user account . .so i cant get logged in . . Btw now anything is okay. . .thanks . .