openSuSE 13.2: Boot problems in conjunction with UEFI


After having upgraded from OS 13.1 to 13.2 on an UEFI machine everything initially worked fine, and the 3.6.2 kernel boots up just like normal (which is the reason why I haven’t deleted it yet).
However, when attempting to boot a 3.7 kernel or newer, Grub2 instantaneously complains about an invalid certificate and refuses to load the kernel. Although I could disable Secure Boot to avoid this, I’m still loath to do so.
So how do I make Grub load the newer kernels? I haven’t found any feasible solution so far.

Thank you in advance.


Where did you install the kernel from??

Note that not all kernels you might find laying around are signed. So if you must play with them disable secure boot. It is not that super duper great any way. If a virus is in position to modify the boot chain it pretty much owns you any way the only thing secure boot does is to stop you from booting anything LOL.

There’s something a bit confusing there.

As best I recall, opensuse 13.1 used a 3.11 kernel. So where does that 3.7 kernel come from? Is it maybe from 12.3? (Opensuse 13.2 uses a 3.16 kernel).

Can you give me the output from:

cat /etc/os-release
ls -l /boot/grub2