The beta1 release is up. Post your comments here.
I downloaded this morning (Chicago time), using “aria2c”. I checked the pgp signature.
I then proceeded to install.
The install went very smoothly.
Bugs initially noticed:
(1) Installing to a UEFI system, it installs with name “opensuse,” instead of “opensuse”. That is, there is an extraneous comma at the end of the UEFI name. That’s only a problem if you do not use secure-boot. If you use secure-boot, it will get the correct name.
This is bug 895884. It is already fixed in factory, but apparently not quite in time for Beta1.
(2) If you use “csh” as your shell, then there is some brokenness. This is bug 897634. I’m told that this will be fixed in the next factory update.
(3) With KDE, if you use “activities” then they are broken until you install “kactivities4”. This has been reported as bug 896669, and there is no current indication on whether/when it will be fixed.
Otherwise, the release is very nearly factory from a few days back. KDE is at version 4.14.0, while factory KDE is at 4.14.1.
Was installing the LiveKDE disc and it got stuck when trying to install the bootloader.
Rebooted the VM and this time changed it so it installed to the MBR rather than the / partition
and the installer completed and i’m at the desktop.
The new installer is very nice visually. Just a three things:
- The initialization takes quite long without any progress indication and is looking a bit “empty”.
- The initialization screen shortly re-appears after the hardware probing, after the Installation Options screen (i.e. “Add Online Repositories Before Installation”) and after timezone selection (this flicker has been present in previous versions as well, I think).
- The Tab-bar (Slide Show, Details, openSUSE Release Notes) during the copying and extraction of files is a bit misaligned (or is that on purpose?). It’s about 1cm left of the actual content shown.
I installed into a VM, using all default settings, so all observations are coming from there.
- In KDE, the tooltip of Klipper and KMix are aligned to the top of the screen, not close to the panel. The tooltips for Device Notifier and Network Manager appear right above the panel (as I’d expect). (Possibly upstream bug?)
- The NetworkManager icon in the panel has a red “X” and says that it is not running. This gives the impression that no network is active. The reason for this is, of course, that “Wicked Service” is used as networking setup and not the “NetworkManager Service”. Now, I don’t know which is better, but if “Wicked Service” is to be used in the final release, the Network Manager Applet should not be visible. Even I was thinking, that I don’t have a working network connection because all I saw was a red “X” on the network-icon in the panel. So please, either go with “NM Service” or don’t show the NM Applet.
- Talking of YaST: The icons don’t really fit from a visual point-of-view with the rest of KDE, this was better in the previous version. Not a big issue, just thought I’d mention it.
That’s more or less the small list of small issues I’ve found while running a very quick test. Amazing quality for a beta release!
Thanks for all the good work!
I’m not seeing that on my systems.
The NetworkManager icon in the panel has a red “X” and says that it is not running. This gives the impression that no network is active. The reason for this is, of course, that “Wicked Service” is used as networking setup and not the “NetworkManager Service”.
Yes, this happened on a desktop install. On a laptop install, it did not happen because NetworkManager was handling the network. You can turn off that icon in tray settings.
I started the i586 installer up in my VirtualBox and the installer only made it as far as starting udev and haveged before it aborted.
Forgot to mention that this is the i586 Net image that I was installing from. But the x86_64 net image exhibits the same behavior.
Does wireless networking work with wicked? I have all of the latest updates for factory and wicked still doesn’t work for me.
It should. It has worked for me. However, I have seen other users report problems. There’s a bug reported here:
bug 893678.
OK so first off the installer.
Selected my language on the first step, then during the part where it asks for location and shows a map, i checked the settings were correct then clicked Next, and the Language/keyboard screen was shown again while it loaded up the next screen thats after the location/map one.
I chose to use BTRFS for root and home partition, just going into the “edit proposed scheme” button i think its called.
Noticed that it wants to set the /home partition to use XFS not BTRFS.
Then when it went to do the actual installation, it failed at deleting the swap partition ( 13.1 also had this issue )
I got a popup with the message -
Failure occured during the following action,
Deleting partition /dev/sdb5,
System error code was -3041
Continue despite the eror ?
I just loaded up a gparted CD and deleted the old partitions myself and the install went fine and super fast next time.
Rebooted and GRUB2 is not aligned correctly with the monitor, can barely tell what the menu entries are because they are so far off to the left, though this doesnt matter too much because it’s loading up the automatic configurations screens.
Now in the desktop, everything is working fine
Networking works without having to go into YaST like people had to do with 13.1
I’m hearing about the new network thing called Wicked, usually if i want to use the pasmoid applet, i need to go into YaST and tell it to, but it seems it’s already using the applet thats in the system tray ( yay one less thing to do)
So only thing then i needed to do is change the keyboard layout ( it had chosen the US one, not the UK one that i had selected during install)
- Also noticed that YaST programs use GTK interface not QT.
I installed using the LiveKDE Disc from a usb pen drive.
Using the packman factory repostories for codecs and stuff, and also the nvidia 13.1 repository and packages seem compatible with 13.2 ( woohoo ) lol!
Now to install all the apps i use (not many) and see how long i last.
Installed openSUSE 13.2 KDE DVD in a VM (Virtualbox). The first thing I reacted over and was a little surprised was that the Installer suggesting Btrfs for / BUT (and defalt) XFS filesystem for /home (not ext4). I have no idea why and i haven’t read anything about it before. I know that SUSE have propagated for XFS on a enterprise level but for home users?
Could map a NFS share to my server in YaST2 (why is it 2 identical Service manager under system in YaST2 by the way?).Thats all tested so fare, will test more in the weekend.
Rebooted and it seems it’s not using the nvidia driver
guessing it’s likely not compatible yet with the 3.16 kernel, i’ll just remove the packages and see how i get on with the nouveau driver.
Did the same for me with the LiveKDE disc
I’ve been installing the hard way, which isn’t all that hard.
For my older card, the 304.123 driver works. If I recall correctly, 13.1 has the 304.121 driver, which does not work for 3.16 kernels.
I suggest you look for the latest driver at the nvidia download site, and install the hard way.
Oh yeah i forgot about the “hard way” thanks for the info, if i have any issues with nouveau i’ll switch.
Beta 1 just plain doesn’t like VBox. I tried the i586 regular image with and without ACPI, APIC and with Safe Settings and it always get up to starting udev and then aborts.
I just installed the Beta1 from 64-bit DVD. Still no ip address with wicked, although setting up the network during the first part of the install reported no errors. NM is working.
That’s definitely not true.
Factory ran fine since months and runs fine at the moment here in VirtualBox.
But I haven’t tried to install Beta 1 yet.
Your problem does sound more like a broken image/download though.
I had a similar problem during the last weeks, until I actually configured my network card in YaST and set it to DHCP.
Since then, wicked works fine here.
So try to click on Edit in YaST->Network Settings->Network Devices and make sure the IP-Address is set to “Automatic (DHCP)” or whatever it is called (I don’t remember the exact wording at the moment).
Of course it would still be a bug if it does not get configured correctly during installation. Configuring manually should not be necessary in the case of a simple wired connection with DHCP, IMHO.
I just downloaded the 32bit Beta1 NETinstall ISO, and it boots fine here in VirtualBox (4.3.14).
See this screenshot as a proof:
I haven’t really done an installation (no time for that atm), but IIUYC you do not even get into the installer, it hangs when plymouth should appear.
So I would suggest to download it again, apparently something got corrupted.
And I hope you just configure the ISO directly as CD, right? Or did you do any special “tricks”?
With three different images?