openSUSE 13.1 XFCE LightDM Font Customization

As the title of the post suggests, I’ve installed openSUSE 13.1 with XFCE. So far everyone is going well (I am still having some minor graphical issues) but so far nothing serious.

I am trying to customize the appearance of the LightDM login screen but am having some issues.

I know that I have to edit the values of /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf to the desired values but am running into issues.

I managed to solve one of those issues which might give insight into the others. I moved my custom background image to /usr/share/wallpapers/ and then changed the wallpaper value in the config file to that image. When I logged out, it was just a black background. I then did, sudo chmod a+r /usr/share/wallpapers/wallpaper.jpg and then the wallpaper appeared.

I am wondering if something similar could be happening with the GTK theme and fonts that I am trying to specify for the login screen. For example, font-name: Courier 10 (as an example) does nothing.

Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  • Greg

Although I’m not sitting in front of an XFCE desktop at the moment,

In general, openSUSE is different than other distros in that the login screen is modified by a “Desktop Preferences” configuration somewhere, typically in the menu from the launch button.

In other words, typically not by manually manipulating a config file.


That was my experience with KDE. Sadly the openSUSE offering of XFCE has no simple way to customize the screen.

I think the files you need to modify are described in this Forum thread

Although they describe themes instead of fonts, IMO it’s in there somewhere…
(Sorry, not on an XFCE at the moment)


This is the second time that inattention to details have thrown me off.

#font-name=Courier 10

I was looking at this so long I didn’t even notice that the font-name line was commented out. I was writing a post on the LightDM launchpad site to ask if anyone uncounted this before and wrote:

#font-name = Courier 10 <– This Line

When I wrote <– I was reminded of HTML commenting and suddenly it dawned on me that the line was commented and then I felt really stupid. Sorry for wasting your time, I’m slowly learning to read more carefully.