(Opensuse 13.1) UDev hangs in installation boot

I’m trying to install Opensuse 13.1 on a new PC (Specs & most likely applicable BIOS-settings below) and the installer ‘hangs’ while starting udev. ‘Hangs’ as in ‘waiting for 15 minutes and nothing happens’.

To verify, I’ve tried to run other distros. Knoppix crashes once it tries to do anything graphically and Kubuntu & Chakra both exhibit the udev-problem as well.

As the components individually are supposed to be Linux-compatible and I’ve tried several combinations of likely looking BIOS-settings, I’d like to ask for some additional pointers on how I can fix this.

Thank you for your help.


CPU: i7-4790

GPU: NVidia GTX 770

Motherboard: Gigabyte H87-D3H
BIOS-Version: 2014/05/02

Boot-type: UEFI & Legacy
Win8-Functions: OtherOS
Storage Boot Option Control: Legacy Only
VT-d: Enabled

On 2014-08-31 10:36, tolstoi wrote:
> I’m trying to install Opensuse 13.1 on a new PC (Specs & most likely
> applicable BIOS-settings below) and the installer ‘hangs’ while starting
> udev. ‘Hangs’ as in ‘waiting for 15 minutes and nothing happens’.

Go to the bios page, and see if there is a “floppy” item enabled, and
disable it. It makes the installation /delay/ for a very long time.

Photo: Disable floppy in BIOS

I believe this is reported in the 13.1 release notes.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Now that you say it, I kinda remember reading something like that a looong time ago - must have forgotten it, as I’ve installed 13.1 on several PCs (no floppy-drives) without problems since then.

There isn’t a specific ‘turn off floppy’ option in the BIOS - I’ll have to fiddle a wee bit more with they UEFI <-> Legacy boot options then.

Thank you for the help.

On 2014-09-01 07:26, tolstoi wrote:
> Now that you say it, I kinda remember reading something like that a
> looong time ago - must have forgotten it, as I’ve installed 13.1 on
> several PCs (no floppy-drives) without problems since then.
> There isn’t a specific ‘turn off floppy’ option in the BIOS - I’ll have
> to fiddle a wee bit more with they UEFI <-> Legacy boot options then.

Well, you may just let it crawl for an hour or two, and see if it
continues… if it doesn’t, then the problem is different.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)