May I ask for your help in the following issues. In your replies please be specific since I am not an expert, just a fan of openSUSE.
The problems in a nutshell:
P1) The installation seems to run only in recovery mode.
P2) The Broadcom ethernet card does not seem to be recognized.
P3) Resume from a Suspend to RAM does not work.
The details: My goal is to set up a laptop dual-booting Windows 8.1 64bit and openSUSE 13.1 64bit with KDE. The laptop is an Acer Aspire E1-572G bought new in January 2014.
Already to start with, I had trouble installing oS13.1 64bit. The KDE live DVD could not figure out the ethernet card, but would not ask about the wireless card either. The network installation DVD also could not figure out the ethernet card, but would only ask a limited number of security configurations. I could not find a way to connect to a wireless network that asks for username/ password combination. Finally I created and used the full DVD repository. Only at a later point I was able to download updates. - If this is off-topic here, please let me know where I can comment on this.
Ad P1): Booting into regular mode ends up with a login prompt to virtual console tty1. I can switch by <Alt-F10> to some sort of message log. When I switch by <Alt-F7>, the last line says,
OK ] Started LSB: X Display Manager.Dispatcher Service…[some mambo-jumbo]…
and the laptop is locked, i.e., does not react to any key, not even <Cntrl-Alt-Del>. Pressing the power button takes out of there. My graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 8670M, 1GB VRAM according to a label on the machine. Yast - Hardware - Hardware Information dump file indicates “Radeon HD 8670A”. Guessing from similar posts (not specifically helpful in my case), I posted a couple of log files written when trying to boot into regular mode: Xorg.0.log-regular, boot.log-regular, messages-regular.lst .
Ad P2): The hardware info file shows a Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57786 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe. Looking at Yast - Network Settings, tab Overview, the “Broadcom Ethernet controller” is “not configured” and refers to dmesg output which is here. The card works as tested under Windows.
Ad P3): When I suspend to RAM and want to resume, pressing e.g. the space bar seems to set the hard drive in motion, but the screen remains off. Unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to provide more information at this point.
I would appreciate your help to get these issues sorted out. Thank you!