openSUSE 13.1 bind and Windows DNS Servers

We currently are using Active Directory and our Domain Controllers are the DNS servers. I am trying to figure out how to use a couple openSUSE servers running bind to act as the DNS servers for our wireless network. I don’t want to have the Clearpass server (wireless) access our internal DNS server (Microsoft) but would rather use the openSUSE bind server which would get it’s information from the Windows DNS servers. I guess would I just add the Windows Servers as forwarders within openSUSE bind?

In short I want the wireless access points to use the bind servers for DNS. The bind servers would get its information from the Windows DNS servers.

Excuse the ignorance on my part but I have alot to learn when it comes to bind. :stuck_out_tongue:

On 2014-09-10 02:36, D8TA wrote:

> DNS server (Microsoft) but would rather use the openSUSE bind server
> which would get it’s information from the Windows DNS servers. I guess
> would I just add the Windows Servers as forwarders within openSUSE bind?

Yes… but if those forwarders fail, bind will soon stop giving those
answers. I think they are erased after each entry timeout, or perhaps if
bind needs to clear memory (I don’ know if it does) purging entries not
asked for in long time.

That is, bind is not set that way as a secondary name server. And I’m
not sure how to do it, anyway…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

What is your purpose and objective if you’re just going to forward to your Domain DNS anyway?
Usually the purpose is to set up a partitioned network so that wireless clients aren’t granted immediate access (and leak information) to the corporate network (Domain) but that wouldn’t be accomplished by forwarding to your Windows DNS.

If you don’t have a clear purpose, then why not just point your clients directly to your AD DNS?
The only topology I can think of where this might not be possible would be if you’re running 802.1x(ie port based firewall)