On 03/20/2013 10:16 PM, frecel wrote:
> I checked and I have no ~/.kde* or ~/.config/kde* which is no surprise
> since I never used this /home partition with KDE.
ok, so if i put the above together with this that you wrote in the
thread opening:
So yesterday I made a hop from Ubuntu 12.10 to openSuse 12.3.
i must wonder exactly how you did the hop from Ubuntu to openSUSE??
apparently you (what) saved your /home/[you] during the install? what
kind of install did you do? and, did the install script ask you if
you wanted to use the same /home and user, or what…exactly?
well, let me say this: one should not assume that a /home full of
configs for a completely different disto will give smiles on any
other distro (that would include trying to take an openSUSE /home to
a Fedore system, or any other)…
maybe you can get going by using the ncurses yast to create a new
user and log into that user … hmmmmm… maybe–read my sig caveat
before doing anything after reading what i write!!
let me tell you what i would have done: not try to reused a ubuntu
/home/[you], instead before install i would have renamed /home/[you]
to /home/[youOld] and during install would have given [you] as the
user, logged into as that new you, then as root copy data (ONLY…no
configs or hidden directories) from [youOld] to [you] and let all
those old configs gather dust, and the data there serve as a
reserve…for a while, and then when SURE everything is cool just
delete /home/[youOld]
you can still do all of that, but be SURE to have a good, off machine
and well safe copy of all your data, FIRST!!
let me say that another way: i would have NO idea how to rescue what
you have now and turn it into a well working openSUSE or Ubuntu!