I downloaded and installed opensuse as an update. The desktop icons won’t move around. I’v searched for any topic on it, nothing. Can anyone help?
On 04/02/2013 08:46 PM, lord valarian wrote:
> The desktop icons won’t move around.
does that mean they won’t move around, or you can’t move them?
if the latter, try: right click on the desktop folder (where the
icons are), select “Folder View Settings”, in the new window which
opens, left click on “Display” and then look under the “Icons”
section to check to make sure there is no check mark in the box next
to “Lock in place:” then, click “OK”…
Unlock widgets ?
There is also a setting in the configure desktop / folder view … whatever to lock icons in place
does that mean they won’t move around, or you can’t move them?
I have the default desktop with icons added and one folder view window(videos). I mean the desktop not the folder view on the desktop.
Unlock widgets ?
Doesn’t display that, “lock widgets”.
I right-click on the desktop. I click on the icon on the upper-right. I find “default desktop settings”. I can’t find anything useful.
There is also a setting in the configure desktop / folder view … whatever to lock icons in place
No folder view in configure desktop menu. If I right-click on the videos folder on the desktop, I can find, “align to grid.”
If you select default Desktop settings & click it do you get this?
If you do click the Unlock widgets. If you are missing the unlock widgets then it means you should be able to move them as the widgets are unlocked.
When you touch the icon with the cursor do you get a little flag with swirl arrow,a wrench, a box with 2 small marks in it. and an X?
Then do you place the cursor on the icon? then try to move it?
If I try to move by clicking on the icon it won’t move but if I click on that flag I mentioned I can move them.
Is that what you mean?
Yes, I get that picture. Moving the cursor on an icon, I get the black vertical bar with ‘X’ at the bottom and box at the top. Trying to move the icon, nothing appears, they just won’t move.
Widgets are unlocked. I did lock then unlock. “unlock widgets” appears in the menu. Then it disappears when I click on it.
OK Great!
Now I’ve been moving the icons by placing the cursor arrow in between the wrench & the X in that flag, left click then I can move the icon to wherever.
I hope that works for you!
Along with the random loss of function for leave/shutdown/logout controls, this has just about driven me back to 12.2 …
In 12.2 one could just drag icons/widgets on desktop around at will … this is such an UNDOCUMENTED “improvement!”
The icons referred to are those on desktop (not folder) …
AND … only those that are generated from menus etc to start programs, etc
The pure “widgets” are freely movable - unless “lock widgets” is enabled.
hope this helps clarify
*** Note to KDE team: restore this to previous behavior, so all icons/widgets are freely moveable UNLESS “lock widgets” chosen. ***
If you use Folder View Activity
Delete the folder widget that may be there by default
Then go to Folder View Settings > Display
You can see my settings here. You just need to uncheck Lock in place and apply to move them. When done Lock in Place again
I figured it out. Suse goofed on the design of the UI. Wigits are unlocked by default. So, it’s not the problem. To move an icon, you move the cursor to an icon. Until the black bar appears, then click and hold on the black bar to move the icon. Suse should fix that. So, you just move the icon directly, not just the black bar.
What icons are you talking about, anyway?
The plasmoids (applets, widgets)?
Well, SUSE didn’t goof anything there…
That is intentionally designed this way by KDE.
Otherwise it could happen way too easy that you move them around accidentally by just using them (clicking one pixel too far to the left, f.e.)…
If you don’t like that, open a bug report at http://bugs.kde.org/
Not that I think they would change it, though…
No, suse did not goofed anything. You should be able to move icons as you described if desktop containment is set to folder (Right click on desktop → Default desktop settings → Layout → Folder). Otherwise are icons treated as widgets.
Ok, I get it now. Makes sense, the icon tends to shift around otherwise. Now, I can move around the icons as normal.