openSUSE 12.2 MileStone 3 Repos


I just installed 12.2 Milestone 3 from the Gnome Live CD. I forgot the on-screen message and reason why GNOME3 was not installed on my ancient Celeron M laptop. I only got Gnome Classic as desktop environment but perhaps this is a blessing in disguise?

Anyway, System Tools > YAST > Software Repositories

When I hit Add, the radio button “Specify URL” appears but I don’t see any button or places for me to add the factory repos (OSS & NON-OSS).

Is there a command that I can use in order to add these two’s URL’s?

Thanks in advance.

In YaST / Software / Software Repositories / Add URL then:

For Non-Oss add URL: Index of /factory-snapshot/repo/non-oss, Named: openSUSE-12.2-Non-Oss, and Uncheck: Download repository description Files.

For Oss add URL: Index of /factory-snapshot/repo/oss, Named: openSUSE-12.2-Oss, and Uncheck: Download repository description Files.

See if this helps and tell us how these came to be gone as they are added in automatically for you normally.

Thank You,

Hello/Howdy James,

Since the “Add URL” page has only a list of options and the checked box “Download repository description files”, I cannot do anything else but coming up with a simple way:

  1. Highlight the opensuse 12.2 distribution/repo/oss and /non-oss repositories

  2. Hit “Edit” and change the URLs to read, for example:

URL" Index of /factory-snapshot/repo/oss,


  1. Uncheck “Enabled” for the rest of the repos.


So not sure what has happened to you, but if this method works, that is all we can hope for and good luck.

Thank You,