I am trying to install Broadcom wl via jdmcdaniel3’s script, but ran into the following problem:
Are your ready to install:
on to your computer now (y/N)?y
KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/uname -r
/build M=pwd
make: *** /lib/modules/3.3.0-2-default/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [clean] Error 2
KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/uname -r
/build M=pwd
make: *** /lib/modules/3.3.0-2-default/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
The Compile Process Failed with exit code 2.
Any idea?
Thank you
Anything to do with openSUSE 12.2 belongs in the beta forum, so I have moved your message. While not tried with openSUSE 12.2, I do suggest the following before you can compile anything.
Open YaST / Software / Software Management - Select the View Button on the top left and pick Patterns. Now, you will see several Patterns listed and you want to select:
[X] Base Development
[X] Linux Kernel Development
[X] C/C++ Development
Then Press the Accept button on the bottom right and allow these applications to install.
Thank You,
Hello James,
Yes, I did discover my mistake. When I re-prepared the preliminaries as you suggested, YAST crashed, showing either segfaults or some other errors that I forgot. Since then I have re-installed KDE version because I believe GNOME M4 does not have a complete set of development packages. I will wait until M5 or M6 of KDE before trying Broadcom wl using your script. Open-source b43 still doesn’t work for me, and now Ralink rt2800usb does give me wireless connection. See my reply to Larry Finger in another post.