openSUSE 12.2 beta2


i installed beta2 in virtualbox and it works.
With minimal installation, with kde installation.
Good work.

Why is grub and grub2 installed?

Can i remove grub?

Will grub2 V2.0 be integrated in openSUSE 12.2?

Can i use sysvinit instead of systemd for a long time or
will sysvinit be remove sometimes in the future.

I would like to run oracle express edition on minimal installation.

Best regards

Grub Legacy is there for compatibility and anything installed from YaST, as grub legacy is, can be removed. Since it takes up little room and only run when used, I am not sure I would bother to remove it. There are existing guides one could find to switch to Grub Legacy, when installed, that could save the day if a problem should occur with Grub 2. One thing is for sure, I would test its removal in a VM session first, just to see what happens. In other distributions, Grub 2 is loaded where Grub Legacy resides and so I would not want to remove anything that still needs to be there for Grub 2. All indications are that indeed Grub 2 will be the default boot loader used in openSUSE 12.2.

As for System V, the intent is to remove it in the future. I do not know when for sure, but now is the time to switch to systemd, complain about any systemd problems and get it all running before there are no other options to be used. Its now or never to get systemd working right. I suggest you drop to openSUSE 11.4 if you still need to use System V and hope to switch it all over for use with openSUSE 12.2 in the future, when it is released.

Thank You,

Well my friends, this one was interesting. We stuck the DVD into the drive and started the Install. Now the challenge here is … we have a Triple Boot System. The System is set to boot-up in SuSE 11.4 - by default. However, this is using Grub’1’ NOT Grub’2’. During the install, we used our option to choose Grub1 over Grub2.

Troubles!! It hung on the Animated Splash Screen. Had to Power Off reset. Upon the Re-Boot it hung in the Animated Splash Screen again. Re-Booted again and this time selected “FailSafe” mode. It recognized that the Installation was NOT finished and completed it… however… the animation portion of the Animated Splash Screen kept going. We had to move our mouse around to clear the screen to see the install info. This was rather annoying cause it kept writting back over what we had just cleared!! Finally we got onto a Desktop. Re-Booted again and after the Animated Splash Screen we got our LogOn Screen. This time it created our User. We entered the proper info and got logged on to openSuSE 12.2 Beta2.

This is our first adventure into the 64-bit world and that is the version we installed. VMware 8 requires a 64-bit system. Afterward we installed VMware 8 and were successful. The details of this portion of the install can be found on our Web Page at: SuSE 12.2

Thanks and the system is looking good.

On 07/03/2012 08:26 AM, chucktr wrote:
> ‘SuSE 12.2’ (

please start spelling openSUSE correctly. please.

none of these are correct:

openSuSE < never used
OpenSUSE < never used
openSuse < never used
SUSE Linux < last used with version 10.1
SuSE Linux < last used with version 8.2
S.u.S.E. Linux < last used with version 5.3
[SUSE Linux Enterprise < currently in use, but it is not openSUSE]

i know that “u” is just a little nit picking thing and it means nothing,
but please CHuCK tayLor, COuLD/WOuLD YOu repair YOuR website? please!



This is Bug 768185.

Short summary: the bug is fixed, and future releases (rc1 should be next) should be free of this problem.

ok. We just liked the looks of SuSE and openSuSE. Since we have been severely reprimanded:’( we will make the changes. -But- only in the current two or three.:stuck_out_tongue:

In the meanwhile, we have encountered another little problem with openSUSE 12.2. We like to have a couple of Terminal Windows open at start up. These have been placed in .xinitrc. One of the windows is as follows:

xterm -geometry 100x35+385+180 \
        -fg Black -bg NavajoWhite -sb \
        -rightbar \
        -title NavajoWhite \
        -fn 8x13 &

The height of 35 is only comming up about 25. This has always worked in the past. Anyone have any ideas as to why it is not in this version of openSUSE???


On 07/03/2012 07:36 PM, chucktr wrote:
> Since we have been severely reprimanded:’(

you were not “reprimanded”, simply informed and kindly asked…with
a liberal sprinkling of “please” and a visual nudge on hOw YOuR mangle
of our copyrighted trademark loOked to mE…

you don’t have to change it because i asked you to…but by not you do
take the chance that everyone in the know who sees your page will figure
you don’t have a clue about either SUSE Linux Enterprise or openSUSE.


The current Web Page has been changed. Our comment about being severely reprimanded was only in jest. We have been working with, and using, this OS since version 6.2. Most of our involvement has been with getting VMware to work. Which it does in this latest release ***IF, ***the person trying, puts in the patches specified by Stefano Angeleri for this latest release of 12.2.

Now then we didn’t want to upset anyone over any of this. The latest comments, IF they were meant to be harsh, were not really needed. So, we will just treat them as “friendly” comments and continue on.

Personally, we liked the look of the mixed case SuSE. We really believe that it is more distinguished. -BUT- there wasn’t a vote, so the changes have been made in the present and will be followed in the future. From now on it will be openSUSE.

Let’s just be friends,

On 2012-07-06 03:56, chucktr wrote:

> Most of our involvement has been with getting VMware to work. Which
> it does in this latest release -*IF, *-the person trying, puts in the
> patches specified by ‘Stefano Angeleri’
> ( for this latest release of
> 12.2.

Which vmaware version is that? Player, workstation, number? This is of
interest to me and others.

> Personally, we liked the look of the mixed case SuSE.

Me too :slight_smile:

Sometimes I tease people telling them that they have to run SuSEfirewall2
:wink: - and it is not the only such script retaining the old name. Fortunately.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 07/06/2012 03:56 AM, chucktr wrote:
> we will just treat them as “friendly” comments and continue on.

they were intended as friendly…really, if i need help and go to a
site looking, and see (something like) openSuSE i figure i need to keep
looking for the real expert…it was therefore i wrote as i
did…trying to be helpful, to you…

by the way: i really wish it was openSuSE (or maybe best:
OpenSuSE)…but, i didn’t get to vote either!

back in the SuSE 6.2 era when you were already in the Software und
System Entwicklung fold, i was struggling in Red Hat (mostly…also some
Slack, Mandrake, whatever…) and not smart enough to just pick one and
hang on…well, i trying mostly to not let go of OS/2, which is my
favorite of all time…(so far!)


Hello Carlos,

Good to hear a friendly voice. Anyway, the version of VMware that we are using is:


You will notice that it is a 64-bit version. We are finally joining the 64-bit crowd. The main reason it cause VMware 8 -and- Windows 8 require 64-bit hardware. That seems to be the push now-a-days … whether you need it or not. One of the main reasons we use VMware is so we can have versions of the same Operating Systems that our customers use. We are running Windows XP Multi-Media, openSUSE 11.4, Windows 2000, Vista, Windows 7 and openSUSE 12.2 all on the same machine — some because of VMware. Which is some of the finest software we have encountered. No, we do not run them all at the same time. However, we have had openSUSE 11.4, Windows 2000 and Vista all running at the same time. Haven’t tried for a fourth system yet. (can’t believe that we are gona say this) We only have 4GB of RAM. Remember the days when 64k was the limit??? Or are you to young?? :slight_smile:

Also haven’t gotten hold of a Windows 8 copy yet. So we don’t know how it will work inside VMware -but- we are fairly certain that it will work just fine.

Another “good” point on this version of openSUSE is: We don’t seem to have the display problems that we were having. IF we had multiple windows open and one or two or more of them were ‘dolphin’ windows -and- we clicked on a ‘dolphin’ window to bring it to the top, it would ‘stick’ to the mouse cursor like we had clicked and held the mouse button. Even though it was only a “quick click”. This was frustrating cause of the unwanted movement. You could see the cursor change from an arrow to the closed fist — just by moving it into one of the lower ‘dolphin’ windows. That does -NOT- seem to be happening in this latest version.

Now then we must say that this latest version is using the new kernel, a new KDE and a new nVidia. So, we are not sure which one fixed it -but- it is apparently fixed. Hopefully no future changes will break it.

Take care and have fun,

Yep… It is difficult… at times… to see and understand the other person’s meaning or intention when reading one of these short notes. Been around for a while and we try to -NOT- take offense at most of the replies. There are times when it is difficult to not lash back out -but- hopefully we have ourselves under control … here in our old age. Speaking of which… you might want to reconsider your ‘evaluation criteria’. The manner of spelling is the way it ‘used to be’. That would mean that the individual has been around for a while and just doesn’t care for some of the new changes. Changes are difficult. We get set in our ways and don’t want things to be different. However, we can eventually come around. Just an FYI.

they were intended as friendly…really, if i need help and go to a
site looking, and see (something like) openSuSE i figure i need to keep
looking for the real expert…it was therefore i wrote as i
did…trying to be helpful, to you…

Was appreciated -but- during our dog walk this morning, we think that we are gona ‘change’ (that word again!!) our mind. We like the openSuSE spelling and have used it for years… -and- according to our stats, our SuSE pages are the most visited. If the spelling turns someone off – well then we probably didn’t have anything to offer them in the first place. IF we abandoned every page that we went to because of spelling… we probably wouldn’t read any. The grammar and spelling on some these WebSites is atrocious. -BUT- let’s remain friends.

by the way: i really wish it was openSuSE (or maybe best:
OpenSuSE)…but, i didn’t get to vote either!

back in the SuSE 6.2 era when you were already in the Software und
System Entwicklung fold, i was struggling in Red Hat (mostly…also some
Slack, Mandrake, whatever…) and not smart enough to just pick one and
hang on…well, i trying mostly to not let go of OS/2, which is my
favorite of all time…(so far!)

IF you were to visit my WebPages you would find that my first was also RedHat, version 5.2. I was a ‘noob’ at the time and RedHat was the going thing. -But- I found SuSE shortly thereafter and never left. I have tried a couple of others but none of them interested me enough, or caught my fancy, to cause me to change. SuSE, and now openSuSE, like all the others has went through some tough times… and in fact we are having some now -but- we must stick with the 'team’ and help. Otherwise it will disappear… no matter how you spell it. :slight_smile:


On 07/06/2012 04:16 PM, chucktr wrote:
> my first was also RedHat, version 5.2.

mine was 5.1 which came enclosed in a still heavy and still useful book
“Linux Unleashed - Third Edition”


On 07/06/12 11:08, pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> On 07/06/2012 04:16 PM, chucktr wrote:
>> my first was also RedHat, version 5.2.
> mine was 5.1 which came enclosed in a still heavy and still useful
> book “Linux Unleashed - Third Edition”

My first exposure to Linux was Slackware 3.0 back in 1995. It actually
helped me get my first admin job. Migrated to S.u.S.E. in August 1998
and have stayed with it ever since. Tried others in a VM but never much
liked the /lack of/ YaST.

On 2012-07-06 14:46, chucktr wrote:
> Hello Carlos,
> Good to hear a friendly voice. Anyway, the version of VMware that we
> are using is:
> VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.4-744019.x86_64.bundle

Then it is possible that the same patch might be necessary for the player
version. I’ll keep it in mind.

> You will notice that it is a 64-bit version. We are finally joining
> the 64-bit crowd. The main reason it cause VMware 8 -and- Windows 8
> require 64-bit hardware. That seems to be the push now-a-days …
> whether you need it or not. One of the main reasons we use VMware is
> so we can have versions of the same Operating Systems that our customers
> use.

Oh, absolutely. It is very useful for that. Me, in a smaller (private)
scale do the same.

> We are running Windows XP Multi-Media, openSUSE 11.4,
> Windows 2000, Vista, Windows 7 and openSUSE 12.2 all on the same
> machine — some because of VMware. Which is some of the finest
> software we have encountered. No, we do not run them all at the same
> time. However, we have had openSUSE 11.4, Windows 2000 and Vista
> all running at the same time. Haven’t tried for a fourth system yet.
> (can’t believe that we are gona say this) We -only- have 4GB of RAM.
> Remember the days when 64k was the limit??? Or are you to young?? :slight_smile:

Yes, I do remember. As a student, yes. I dreamed of having a Sinclair ZX 81
with a whole 1 KiB!

I also remember looking at code doing real math using 8 bit words…
Looking, eh? I did not do that coding. Or machines that used 255 KiB when
the limit was 64.

My personal feat was coding an orbital launcher in a TI-58 C calculator,
using every step of memory and every register available, in high school…
and I could not boast of it because nobody understood it. Not one of my
friends knew what programming was. Perhaps one, he was even more geekier
than me.

> Also haven’t gotten hold of a Windows 8 copy yet. So we don’t know
> how it will work inside VMware -but- we are fairly certain that it will
> work just fine.

I have seen a beta from 2 meters distance. I did not like the looks.

> Now then we must say that this latest version is using the new
> kernel, a new KDE and a new nVidia. So, we are not sure which one
> fixed it -but- it is apparently fixed. Hopefully no future changes will
> break it.

Oh, expect breaks, somewhere… :slight_smile: :-p

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Ok now… back to the subject… openSuSE 12.2 Beta2.

We are really liking it. Got a good feeling about it in the beginning. Now in this latest offering we are really happy. The only “bad” part about it so far has been the initial Install. An inexperienced individual will have a difficult time installing it. However, after the initial install, it has progressed readily.

  1. The nVidia 295.59
    driver installed without any problems and is working fine. 1. VMware required a patch for vmnet and vmblock. These are available at Weltall’s Blog
    Otherwise it worked fine.
  2. Local Networking is great. We can edit our WebPages 'on our Laptop
    '… notice the WebPages are on the Laptop… -but- we are using Homesite via VMware 8 from our Desktop. Laptop is Windows 7 and the Desktop is … naturally openSuSE 12.2. We had problems accessing the Laptop from within openSuSE 11.4 -but- we could access the Desktop from within Windows 7. Now it is working both ways. Reminds us of our SuSE 7.3 days.

This version is so satisfactory that we are going to hang on to it till the “Final” version proves to be as good.

Thanks to all the Developers,

I have a problem with printing of my hp deskjet f300. I have setup it, printing is running but no result. Page are blank.

I have report this bug.