opensuse 12.1 yast cannot connect to update server, browser can

Have a fresh install of opensuse 12.1, while installing the automatic update did not work returning cannot connect to server, skipped and tried to do it after install, still the same problem, the browser does however connect to the update repo’s wihtout problem, any ideas

thanks in anticipation

Automatic update will choose a server close to you, if it’s not working, use another mirror from

Dear finders,

thanks a lot your immy reply, you guys are really fantastic, however this does not seem to work either, tried to diffrent mirrors (in Gemany Aachen and Göttingen) both return the same error

must be something else, I can connect to these repos via browser, but when doing the auto update or trying to change the location in the software repo’s it returns cannot connect, which appears to have something to do possibly with firewall or similar, tried already to connect directly to router rather through masquerading server to avoid possible issues with the server, but it does not work??!!!

thanks rgds

thanks, rgds

Never had a similar problem, but I have seen several mirrors go down couple of times.
I suspect zypper isn’t working either? Run “zypper ref” and “zypper up”
Could be a broken package, I’d download zypper and libzypp rpms if that’s the case.
Install via “rpm -Uvh packagename”

Dear finders,

thanks a lot zypper ref returns package kit is blocking zypper, asks me to stop package kit, which I replied with yes, returns package kit still running, how/where can I stop it, it does not show in the runlevel editor?

thanks rgds

dear finders,

managed to stop packagekit with packagekitd -stop in /usr/lib/, now zypper ref returns timeout when connecting to’, when entering a for quit retry, it jumps to the next repo and returns the metadata is not valid, check whether repo contains valid metadata goes on like this for ages.
zypper up is basically the same, what is this? The repo’s appear to be valid as I can find them in the browser without problem. should I possibly create a new dvd and do it all from scratch, I am now since christmas working on various 12.1 issues like sound, networking, now update, have done at least 10 new installs with full formatting etc. I am really somewhat frustrated.

again thanks a lot


PackageKit was always buggy, atleast for me. I normally skip it and use only zypper.
zypper ref will refresh repos, zypper up will update. try “man zypper” for more info.
Could do rpm --rebuilddb and remove your repos, add direct links to ftp mirrors, that works for me.