openSUSE 12.1 & pyside: ImportError undefined symbol

Hi All,

Currently I am trying to get pyside going on openSUSE 12.1 64 bit. I installed pyside from the software repository However each time I would like to run a program I get the following error.

ImportError: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PySide/ undefined symbol: _ZNK7QObject17senderSignalIndexEv

Does anyone have an idea how I can get pyside going on SuSE?

Thank you very much in advance

You may need the qt4…devel packages, and/or KDE python bindings.

Knurpth, you are the BEST!!!

I installed python-qt4 and python-qt4-devel and it is working now. I have tried everything and I could not get it to work. Your hint really helped, thank you very much!