On 07/10/2012 08:36 PM, Badman959 wrote:
> Can anyone assist my problems
in addition to the info Mr. Henderson asked for, i’d like to know what
desktop environment you installed (if you installed one)…
and, what the login screen looks like…that is, is it black with white
text or is it green?
and, i wonder how much experience you have with linux–i wonder that
because i think some operating systems you may have used (may not have
too) allow all of these to be perfect to use for each other:
mypass myPass MyPass Mypass mYpasS
but none of those will work for any other in Linux…so, you must type
exactly the same password at the login prompt as you typed during the
so, check your caps lock key…
and, i find it best to stick to the allowable characters: a through z
and 1 through 9, and some (but not all) punctuation…
by the way: Linux is pretty predictable…that is, unlike some operating
systems you can usually depend on it to do the same thing over and
over…well, what i’m saying is: if you try twice to install and fail,
you will probably fail the next 40 times you do exactly the same thing…
and, by the way i’m not at all familiar with what you mean by “tried
multiple session options from he drop down menu” so, i wonder what drop
down menu you saw…i don’t remember one during a log in…
you mentioned “damaged disks” and i also wonder if you md5sum checked
the iso before you burned the disk…and, if you burned it as slowly as
possible and if you followed all the info in the Download Help…(a link
below the big Download button on the download page…)