After the last kernel update Opensuse 12.1 ( 3.1.10-1.23.1 ) , i can’t acces my samba-server anymore .
When i revert back to previus kernel , i have to shut down the firewall to make it work again .
Shutting down the firewall in kernel 3.1.10-1.23.1 does not help .
So Kernel 3.1 and openSUSE 12.1 must be 18 months old or so. Most fixes go into the latest stuff and not back ported as far back as that. If you feel it is kernel related, you can try any new kernel version you like:
I went back to when we were testing kernel 3.1, but I don’t see any issues with Samba come up. I have a nice bash script for working with Samba you can find here:
Thanks for your quick reply and your bash script ,
I did give it a try but samba seems to be running perfect .
Urlier today i installed a few other kernels , no result .
I reverted back to the old kernel ( the one who was working this morning without firewall ) and now even that one won’t give me my network back .
That first upgrade a few days ago , changed somewhere , something and now my laptop can’t find the network path .
Maybe i should upgrade my server completly and start from zero .
Anyway , thanks again for your help .