Opensuse 12.1 display problem

I was using before V11.3 without problem. I downloaded 12.1 and install it on my laptop ASUS . Installing without problem. I started the new SW. On my desktop I see Windows and Applications.
But trying to open an application I see only for this one a black window.
I started fail safe and I see a pop up cannot load Gnome 3… but I can access to all my SW.
I see also during starting in journal cannot find cwap(1) important message ?
I download new Kernel… but I still have the same problem.
What can I do ?
My Display adapter: ATI Mobility Radeon M7

Check the driver in use. Your video card is unsupported by the binary driver from AMD, and from what I read on 12.1+ATI it defaults to fbdev, not radeon. Or is it the other way around?

I reinstall SW and use this time XFCE … now running without problem !!