I am using TrueCrypt on all of my USB-Sticks and external harddisks. Today I installed TrueCrypt 6.0a on my openSUSE 11 box too.
Now when I start TrueCrypt and open an encrypted USB stick (whole stick is encrpyted so I choose the proper device before decrypt it) it is always ReadOnly.
I checked the Settings in TrueCrpyt but the box for ‘mounting as ReadOnly’ is not ticked.
So I tried it as root, but again I could not write anything to the stick. So I checked the permissions and tried to change them:
ACME-N01:/media # ls -al
total 12
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Oct 27 00:34 .hal-mtab-lock
dr-x------ 1 root root 4096 Oct 21 14:58 truecrypt2
ACME-N01:/media # chmod 700 truecrypt2/
chmod: changing permissions of `truecrypt2/': Read-only file system
What is wrong and how can I get it working?
This is a dualboot Notebook and my Problem is, that I do not have and option to write on USB-Devices from my Linux installation at the moment. I tried it with a not encrypted partition too, but again writing fails - maybe because the filesystem has been formated in NTFS and that’s probably the reason why I could not write anything on the local Windows-Partitions too. Because of this I thought using my encrypted disks might by an easy way to work around, but doesn’t work as described before