> I have managed to narrow the issue down however. It only occurs after
> I have used the Gnome Terminal, if I look in system monitor I can see
> the process ‘X’ is using 90% of the processor.
ok…maybe we are making progress…maybe not…
if you boot up and look at the system monitor…after many 10 minutes
or so of doing NOTHING (i say that so the system has a chance to do all
its after startup housekeeping chores) 
what do you see on the system monitor as far as CPU usage? write that
down, and THEN
open a gnome terminal and type top and hit enter…and watch it a
while…it will be reporting all kinds of stuff…like (at the top)
number of running/sleeping/stopped/zombie tasks
CPU usage in %, memory total/used/free and same for swap space…
then, a LONG list of ‘processes’ each with a process number, user who
started it, and (skip some i don’t know about and ) CPU and Memory usage
of THAT process, in %…and on the far right the name of the
thing/command that is that process…like thunderbird, Xorg, init, all
KINDs of stuff…
watch it for a while, up in one corner…use your mouse to do other
stuff, read mail or whatever… and if it is not already a SLOW system
when you first open the terminal, then when it becomes slow, RIGHT THEN,
immediately notice the NAME of the process HOGGING your CPU, and how
much cpu and memory it is using…
then, come back here and tell us what you found…
oh, and tell me: which video/graphics driver are you running?
one more thing, while watching the readout from top, if you ever see
beagle or kerry near the top of the list, tell me that you did, or not…
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark