opensuse 11 KDE 4 logs out automatically

while browsing the internet, my suse logs out automatically >:(, I’m a newbie in linux world, so any help on the current issue would be appreciated.:stuck_out_tongue:

KDE 4 is still very young. It is recommended only for experienced users who can hack their way around problems. If you have not upgraded from the installed 4.0 to 4.1, you can try that; 4.1 is much better. But still, it is undergoing active development and at times things don’t work right. You would just have to see. The better bet would be to install KDE 3.5.9; you can do that and leave KDE 4.1 installed, too. KDE 3.5.9 is very mature and stable. You could then use 3.5.9 as your primary gui, and occasionally update your 4.1 and check it out; when your 4.1 is stable, you can switch to it as your primary. Many very experienced openSUSE users are sticking with 3.5.9 until 4.x has had time to mature.

> KDE 4 is still very young. It is recommended only for experienced
> users who can hack their way around problems. If you have not upgraded
> from the installed 4.0 to 4.1, you can try that; 4.1 is much better.
> But still, it is undergoing active development and at times things
> don’t work right. You would just have to see. The better bet would be
> to install KDE 3.5.9; you can do that and leave KDE 4.1 installed, too.
> KDE 3.5.9 is very mature and stable. You could then use 3.5.9 as your
> primary gui, and occasionally update your 4.1 and check it out; when
> your 4.1 is stable, you can switch to it as your primary. Many very
> experienced openSUSE users are sticking with 3.5.9 until 4.x has had
> time to mature.

VERY nicely said!! don’t be surprised if you see me quote you!!!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

Your humble servant. :slight_smile: