This is happening because openSUSE by default now uses the partition’s “Device ID” instead of the “Device Name”. The Device-ID is more dependable because it is unique to that disk/partition, while Device-Name (e.g., /dev/sda) can change when disks are added/subtracted/moved. This has been useful particularly for machines with SATA drives.
All you need to do is change /etc/fstab to use Device-Name again, and do the same in /boot/grub/menu.lst. It may also benefit you to not install grub to the MBR; instead, use YaST to install the “generic boot code to MBR”, install grub to your root partition, and mark that partition as “active”. That should do it.
OpenSuSE 11 most certainly does give you this option. It is in the disk configuration stage of the install. If you don’t dive in to the advanced settings, you will never see it, as it truly is an advanced option that casual installers will not understand the ramification of changing.
for fix your problem you can easyly repair your system with the install dvd so it automatically repair the /etc/fstab file with your new hard-drive information