opensuse 11.4 Keepass doesn't work with distro mono


After openSUSE11.3->openSUSE11.4 upgrade Keepass2.14 stopped working.
Seems to be problem with mono included in 11.4.

Anybody confirm?

nopes, it’s working fine here under 11.4 64bit. I installed



I’ve installed KeePass v 2.10-2.1 from the repository

Index of /repositories/Mono:/Community/openSUSE_11.4

It mostly works, except for drag-and-drop which refuses to drag&drop to firefox 4.0b12 fields, but does drag&drop to text files open in e.g. gedit, and to .doc files open in LibreOffice Writer.

Can anyone help?


More evidence: I also get exactly the same problem with KeePass v 2.14 when invoked using mono 2.10-2.1.

I haven’t got xdotool installed - can’t see it in any repositories for open SUSE 11.4.

Does anyone have any suggestions for why drag&drop fails from KeePass to Firefox?


Same problem still there, after installing xdotool from the openSUSE contrib repository.

If you continue to have problems with Keepass, might I suggest LastPass? I formerly used both Keepass and Roboform. In fact, I wanted Roboform so badly that I stuck with Windows longer than I really wanted to. LastPass has gotten good write-ups in the Linux world. I use the free version. I think you need a paid version if you want to put it on a usb key.

It runs fine on fresh openSUSE 11.4 install (not upgrade). So it must be something with upgrade (no time for further investigation).

I got brand new hardware with intel core i5 and changed architecture to 64bits so we can close that ticket;)