OPenSuse 11.3 Mount Point Question

hello, I have OpenSuse 11.2 and I’m about to install Suse 11.3 and I have a question on the partition/mount points of the system,

Currently I have a dual boot with a Windows 2000 and the following partitions:

sda1 → Windows C (where W2k is)
sdb1 → Windows D (empty) ** separated hard drive

sda6 → ‘/’
sda7 → ‘home’

I want to have the current sdb1 (Windows D) as part of OpenSuse and not as part of Windows but I’m un-sure the type of ‘mount point’ I have to select on the partitioner.

Should it be ext3 ? ext 4? and which mount point ? /home ?

Thank you for hte help.

If you no longer want sda7 as /home
Then there is no reason why sdb1 could not be. Yes ext4 is good.
But you could just install as before and mount sdb1 as /STORE ext4, and use it as just that, a store.

thank you! so if mount as /STORE or say… /DATA then it’ll work as just a place to ‘store’ data and not install programs (which is what I want) .

That’s right
But if you want to read and write to it from windows too, then use ntfs (does 2k use ntfs)

On 2010-12-22 20:06, mhunt0 wrote:

> I want to have the current sdb1 (Windows D) as part of OpenSuse and not
> as part of Windows but I’m un-sure the type of ‘mount point’ I have to
> select on the partitioner.
> Should it be ext3 ? ext 4?

Is it already formatted? Then you have no choice.
Is it unformatted? Format as ext4.

> and which mount point ? /home ?

Depends on your intentions. You already have a home, I assume, so the
answer is no.

Perhaps somebody understands your question better.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Good! will format as ext4 and mount point as /DATA

I only use Windows because of a game I like, my real work machine/OS is OpenSuse. Will do it this way.

I personaly would not use /DATA but maybe /data. The usage of uper case characters in Linux on those heavily used names is not very usual.

And again, you can mount where you want. Even in /home/mhunt0/mymusic if you want so (do not forget to let mhunt0 be the owner of it)). You must first decide for what you want to use it. Then the place where to mount it should be obvious.

Maybe also some reading in SDB:Basics of partitions, filesystems, mount points - openSUSE might help here.

I agree with hcvv. Uppercase remains too much of DOS old times.
Further you can always create symlinks of files/directories from /data to you user home directory. For example, if you have a directory /data/music, you could make it appear in your user home directory while creating a symlink with this command:

ln -s /data/music /home/mhunt0/mymusic


ln -s /data/music ~/mymusic

The 2 commands are equivalent, provided you issue the second one as user mhunt0.

Yes, please_try_again’s symlink method gives you even the opportunity to “spread” the disk to several places. You could e.g. make not only a /music on the disk (which would become /data/music when mounted on /data), but also /website (which would become /data/website) and then symlink:

ln -s /data/music /home/mhunt0/mymusic


ln -s /data/website /srv/www

But make the correct users the owners of those directories, as well as on the disk as the mountpoints.

The only thing is then that to much music would restrict the size of the website rotfl!

But I think the message of the symlinks is that they give more flexibility.

In this case you’ll have to use the option FollowSymLinks in apache, which is not set by default… although I’m not sure that it applies to the DocumentRoot directory itself (but to all subdirectories, it does).

Thank you, installation went well,no trouble at all so far, now just configuring the devices. So far so good. :slight_smile:

On 2010-12-22 23:36, please try again wrote:

> In this case you’ll have to use the option FollowSymLinks in apache,
> which is not set by default… although I’m not sure that it applies to
> the DocumentRoot directory itself (but to all subdirectories, it does).

It is off for security, I think. You can use mount bind instead.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Great - good news


I’m using EXT2FSD.EXE on Windows to read and write the OpenSuSe 11.1 Ext3 and Ext4 formatted partitions.
EXT2IFS.EXE only worked with 512 blocks Ext3 partitions but EXT2FSD.EXE works with the larger block Ext3 and Ext4 partitions.

I’ve reverted to upper case first letter for new folder names and all capitalized letters for networked attached folders. I don’t rename default folder names like /home, /tmp, /srv, etc but ~/Music, ~/Photos, /Local, /NFSDOCUMENTS, /NFSDOWNLOADS, /SAMBA1, /SAMBA2 whether symlinked or not. Seemed like a good idea at the time.