openSUSE 11.3 install issue with sound

This may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask it anyway.

Installed openSUSE 11.3 on an ACER Aspire 4520 laptop.
From earlier installations, I had seen the sound stop working when I installed wine, so I’ve been testing the sound from yast at every step.

Installed the OS - sound working
Ran updater - working
Setup KMail and KWallet - working
Installed WLAN (iw) - now I get the startup sound when a user logs in, but the yast sound test does not work.

I imagine more info will be needed. I’m new to openSUSE, but not to *ix, so I may need a hand getting at the config data. (I probably shouldn’t admit it, but I was once an AIX guru when I was still technical )

Thanks in advance for any assistance
Chris Mawdsley
Miller Lake, ON, Canada

Does sound work in various multimedia applications ?

If you have not done so already you may wish to check out these two links: