opensuse 11.3 and ZTE mf637 usb modem


first of all - i love opensuse. i’ve tried other distro (ubuntu, kubuntu, fedora, mandriva, mepis, and few others) and imo this one - specail with the nice new gnome interface on the 11.3 - it’s better than the others by far, imo.

alas, i’ve got few problems with it (some of them only with it…)

my first and main problem,is like this:
i’ve got the usb modem ZTE MF637 from orange provider in Israel.
it worked fine on windows (yuk) and on fedora (the distro i’ve used last before this one).
i’ve managed to make it work here as well with no muhc troubles installing it (so it seemed), i’ve installed usb_modeswitch and NetworkManager recognise it with no trouble.
in the setting i’ve entered *99# as number, uinternet as APN and dns numbers and (both apn and dnses are giver by orange support).

i’ve managed to make it work (i’m surfing from it now), but with 2 annoying problems:

  1. after bit of time - it just stops working. the blue light turn off suddenly- and the internet stops (at start networkmanager doesn’t show the internet is off.) nothing help til i plug it off and back again.
  2. the internet seems a bit limited maybe. i mean, i do surf with no problem,but if i try to connect the repos from my software manager or such, i don’t manage to.
    i’ve canceled the IPv6 on network settings, and from there on the internet works faster (i think) but still the same with the connection to repos. i’ve added screenshot of the error. ( )
    i have to say, that the repos are correct - as if i’m on wireless, it connects with no problems.

there are some settings on networkmanager that i’m not sure if they need to be there - so i’ve added them here:

IPv4 settings tab: ( )
mobile broadband tab: ( )
PPP settings tab: ( )

any idea what i can do to make it work like it should?

(the 2nd problem i have is involved with world of warcraft and crossover, but that for another section of this wonderful forum).

thank you in advanced,