My machine seems to randomly hang, and I am not sure how to work out what is causing it. Are there some logs I can examine that may help me first that I can look at?
My mouse stops, keyboard stops and cpu monitor on screen doesn’t move so no idea if its some kind of X thing, os thing, or hardware.
I have recently compiled and added drivers for the RALink 3062 wireless chipset but I am having problems with it, it seems to keep cutting out and being very slow
I am using Gnome, and I installed the driver via the software manager in Yast, using the NVidia Repository at its currently installed:
nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-desktop - version 260.19.12_k2.6.34.0_12-22.1
x11-video-nvidiaG02 - version
xorg-x11-driver-video-nouveau - version 0.0.15_20100401_bfb95cc-1.10
I am using Gnome, and I installed the driver via the software manager in Yast, using the NVidia Repository at its currently installed:
nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-desktop - version 260.19.12_k2.6.34.0_12-22.1
x11-video-nvidiaG02 - version
xorg-x11-driver-video-nouveau - version 0.0.15_20100401_bfb95cc-1.10