OpenSuse 11.2 64bit and 32bit Opera

I try to install 32bit Opera (rpm from Suse repo or rpm from Opera site), but get error -
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by opera-2:10.10-4742.gcc4.qt4.i386

How I can install 32bit complex of Qt4 ?

You shouldn’t be trying to install rpms manually but use the package manager to get it done, open a terminal window and type;
su -c "zypper in opera"
or alternatively use the YAST / Software / Install Software to do it.

Never install rpms manually.

Also consider reading:

zypper installs Opera 64bit.
I want Opera 32bit.

Is there any good reason why?

32bit - for compatibility with plugins, more stability and less memory usage.

Dunno what your problems are, opera 64 bit runs here with all typical plugins (java, flash, media player plugin), is as stable as the 32 Bit version and does not use significantly more memory than 32 bit version.


Zypper can install local rpm-files, too.




Shockwave Flashapplication
/futuresplash	spl
application/x-shockwave-flash	swf,spl

Windows Media Player Plug-in
audio/wav	wav
audio/x-wav	wav
video/x-msvideo	avi,divx
video/x-ms-asf	asf,asx
video/x-ms-wm	wm
audio/x-ms-wma	wma
audio/x-ms-wax	wax
video/x-ms-wvx	wvx
video/x-ms-wmv	wmv
video/msvideo	avi,*
application/x-ms-wmv	wmv,*
audio/x-ms-wmv	wmv,*
video/x-ms-wmp	wmp,*
application/x-ms-wmp	wmp,*
application/x-drm-v2	asx,*

mplayerplug-in 3.55video
/mpeg	mpeg,mpg,mpe,m2v,m1v,mpa,vob,m2t,mp2
audio/mpeg	mp3,mp2,mpga,mpg,mpeg
audio/x-mpegurl	m3u,vlc,m3u8
audio/basic	au,snd
video/x-mpeg	mpg,mpeg
video/x-mpeg2	mpv2,mp2ve
audio/x-mpeg	mpg,mpeg
audio/mpeg2	mp2
audio/x-mpeg2	mp2
video/3gpp	mp4,3gp,3gpp,3g2,3ga
audio/mpeg3	mp3
audio/x-mpeg3	mp3
audio/mp3	mp3
application/x-ogg	ogg
audio/ogg	ogg,oga
audio/x-ogg	ogg
application/ogg	ogg,ogx
audio/flac	flac
audio/x-flac	flac
video/fli	fli,flc
video/x-fli	fli,flc
video/x-flv	flv
video/	viv,vivo
application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3	nsv
audio/x-mod	mod,mtm,med,m15,ult,uni,669
audio/x-basic	au,snd
audio/x-scpls	pls,xpl
video/mp4	mp4,m4v
audio/mp4	mp4,aac,m4a
audio/x-mp4	mp4

QuickTime Plug-in 7.4.5
video /quicktime	qt,mov,mp4,sdp,moov,qtvr
application/smil	smi,smil,sml,kino
video/x-quicktime	mov
image/x-quicktime	mov,qtif,qif
application/x-quicktimeplayer	mov

Google VLC multimedia plugin 1.0

Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_19

Skype Buttons for Kopete

Windows Media Player Plug-inaudio/wav	wav
audio/x-wav	wav
video/x-msvideo	avi,divx
video/x-ms-asf	asf,asx
video/x-ms-wm	wm
audio/x-ms-wma	wma
audio/x-ms-wax	wax
video/x-ms-wvx	wvx
video/x-ms-wmv	wmv
video/msvideo	avi,*
application/x-ms-wmv	wmv,*
audio/x-ms-wmv	wmv,*
video/x-ms-wmp	wmp,*
application/x-ms-wmp	wmp,*
application/x-drm-v2	asx,*

OpenSC Signer plugin
text/x-text-to-sign	sgn

mplayerplug-in 3.55
video/mpeg	mpeg,mpg,mpe,m2v,m1v,mpa,vob,m2t,mp2
audio/mpeg	mp3,mp2,mpga,mpg,mpeg
audio/x-mpegurl	m3u,vlc,m3u8
audio/basic	au,snd
video/x-mpeg	mpg,mpeg
video/x-mpeg2	mpv2,mp2ve
audio/x-mpeg	mpg,mpeg
audio/mpeg2	mp2
audio/x-mpeg2	mp2
video/3gpp	mp4,3gp,3gpp,3g2,3ga
audio/mpeg3	mp3
audio/x-mpeg3	mp3
audio/mp3	mp3
application/x-ogg	ogg
audio/ogg	ogg,oga
audio/x-ogg	ogg
application/ogg	ogg,ogx
audio/flac	flac
audio/x-flac	flac
video/fli	fli,flc
video/x-fli	fli,flc
video/x-flv	flv
video/	viv,vivo
application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3	nsv
audio/x-mod	mod,mtm,med,m15,ult,uni,669
audio/x-basic	au,snd
audio/x-scpls	pls,xpl
video/mp4	mp4,m4v
audio/mp4	mp4,aac,m4a
audio/x-mp4	mp4

QuickTime Plug-in 7.4.5
video/quicktime	qt,mov,mp4,sdp,moov,qtvr
application/smil	smi,smil,sml,kino
video/x-quicktime	mov
image/x-quicktime	mov,qtif,qif
application/x-quicktimeplayer	mov

Google VLC multimedia plugin 1.0

NPAPI Plugins Wrapper 1.2.2
unknown/mime-type	none

Shockwave Flash
application/futuresplash	spl
application/x-shockwave-flash	swf,spl

rpm installed manually.
32bit Opera works fine and require smaller memory.


evgeniy 10 wrote:

> Akoellh;2148533 Wrote:
>> Is there any good reason why?
> 32bit - for compatibility with plugins, more stability and less
> usage.
I think you wrong on all accounts

openSuse 11.2 x64bit, KDE4.4, Opera weekly

For the record:

2 sun_java in OpenSuse 11.2. x64 - openSUSE Forums

I knew this would happen next, so much for “more plugin compatibility” and trying to install 32-bit java on 64 Bit openSUSE might work, but if not being very careful it’s the loud call for trouble and an exciting new way of b0rking your system.