OpenSuse 11.1...?

The new OpenSuse 11.1 the 3D comes installed enable or disable?.
I have few more Q. in the future.
OpenSuse 11.0 a person help me to enable 3D on 2 monitor and I have to pay a big price for it,but it works.
I lost password…
Thank you for your help and in the future:\


The 3D is only enabled if you install the proper driver for you’re
graphic card.

Could you show me please how should I do or what should I do.

Thank you for your time


With graphic card do you use ?
You can also find out in the opensuse hardware database if you’re card is supported by opensuse 11. and how to install the driver , meaning the NVDIA or ATI ore any other driver
If it is a Nvidia card that is supported adding to you’re repositories Index of /opensuse 11.0 will do the trick. This just a example.

Hi All,
I am a new guy to this forum. Please help me to resolve one issue i am facing.

I have vista installed in my Laptop(Lenovo Ideapad Y430).

I am trying to install opensuse11.0 in that. While installing, it is installing properly initially then in restarts machine giving option :

  1. OpenSUSE 11.0
  2. OpenSUSE Rescue…
  3. Windows

I am selecting 1st one. It is opening by showing configuring…
Then my laptop screen goes blank… for ever.

Please suggest if OpenSUSE11.0 supports LenovoY430 or not.
If yes where I am going wrong.
Please suggest …

First use your those keys < ^ > to select of course you like linux to use first or dont use any key in few second linux will run it self.
But if you hit the down v key you can go to the windows.It`s very easy:)

Opensuse has a hardware database so my suggestion search the opensuse database

As suggested by you, I checked the hardware support for Lenovo Y430 in opensuse below link :

HCL/Laptops/IBM - openSUSE

But ended up in not getting Lenovo Y430.

Could you please suggest me which version of openSUSE should I try?

I can not leave openSUSE for the compatibility issue.

Please suggest me …
Thanks and Regards,