I removed my ./kde and ./kde4 directories my /home to solve some issues with my switching from Mandriva 2007.1 to openSuSE 11.1 and not formatting /home. As I expected the directories were regenerated. However none of my desktop Icons will stay where I put them and my “panel” configuration will not stay as I put them.
Any ideas on what file is missing that lock the changes down?
FlameBait adjusted his/her tinfoil beanie to write:
> I removed my ./kde and ./kde4 directories my /home to solve some
> issues with my switching from Mandriva 2007.1 to openSuSE 11.1 and not
> formatting /home. As I expected the directories were regenerated.
> However none of my desktop Icons will stay where I put them and my
> “panel” configuration will not stay as I put them.
> Any ideas on what file is missing that lock the changes down?
Have you updated anything yet?
Are you using KDE 4.1.3 or KDE 4.2?
IIRC there was probs with the earlier KDE environment that would show
these problems, an update to the latest versions fixes this.
Nil illegitimi carborundum