Opensuse 11.1 Kde 3.5.10 i586

I have a HP F2483 Deskjet All in one printer, the drivers required is HP lip 3.10.2,
but inthe 11.1 repos is Hplip 2.8.7, how best can i solve this problem.
any advice is welcome.
Many Thanks

A warm welcome here

Visit the HP site, and look for support for your printer. It will guide you to a download of the latest hp-driver + instructions. But …

Are you aware of the fact that the lifetime of 11.1 is almost at it’s end? A good solution would be to perform a clean install of 11.3, which comes with the 3.10.2 hp-driver version.

Thank you for your quick response, i like KDE 3.5.10, i am aware opensuse 11.1 is old, but if i install 11.3 will i be able to use
Kde 3.5.10 desktop.

IIRC you have the main choices Gnome, KDE(4) and Other. When Other is chosen, you should be able to choose KDE3, but I’m not sure on this one.

No, unfortunately not. The KDE 3.5 option is not offered any more. If the OP searches this site he will find a HOW TO on how to perform the install of KDE3.5 in 11.3.
But if I would be him, I would wait until March (performing the last updates and then shifting to KDE 4.6.X on 11.4. This because with 3 month of bug-fixing the 4.6 version should be quite equivalent now to the 3.5 one.

@Nifie: may I ask you whether you are using the KDE3.5 original supported repos or the “unsupported” KDE 3.5 ones?..
This is because I was curious if you did see the update for 3.5 of the official repos that came out this week and I wanted to know if anybody installed the latest kernel upgrade of 11.1 and of the KDE environment (official one) and has some feedback on it.
(Me: KDE3.5 21.12.1 and OpenSUSE 11.1)

Just checked, this here Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE3/openSUSE_11.3 is the repo for KDE3 on openSUSE 11.3, so it’s available. You could always first choose LXDE as a sort of ‘backup desktop’, then install KDE3 from the repo mentioned.

Hi Knurpht and Stakanov, i appreciate your efforts, i installed a live cd created by carlos, which is unsupported.
i am happy to hear that i can still use kde 3.5.10 in opensuse 11.3, the procedure you mention with 11.3, must this be done with a dvd, where one can select kde 3.5, please excuse my ignorance, i am trying to get familiar with opensuse.
the repo i am using is 99 opensuse-11.1-non-oss.

You should find the informations you need here:
How-To: Install KDE 3.5 with OpenSUSE 11.3
Good luck.

Ps. You are using the starndad repositories. And in all cases: before performing this try: backup backup backup!!! Once your data are gone you will be very sad.

I installed from the hplip website, and installed it, and its working fine (printer& scanner)
Thank you for everybody’s input.
edit:is there an unofficial repo for Kde 3.5.10.

As of mid of this year the KDE3.5 distribution is not longer officially supported. The 11.1 repositories are (very randomly maintained. The decision of not maintaining any more KDE3.5 was taken (as far as stated) for a lack of manpower. Since then, a new repo with 3.5.10 was set up by volunteers. (This is not to be considered a fork as far as I know but an act of generosity to the community). These repos are not “offical” that is they come without an installation support, they are not included in the distro any more (not even as an option).
OSS are the official Open Source Software repos. non-oss are the repos that give you the closed source software joint to Opensuse and not installed by default (like Opera, Acrobat Reader, Microsoft TTF, Flashplayer).
If you consider to stay with linux and Opensuse I think it is advisable to have a try with 11.3 and KDE 4.5.3 (or was it 4 now?) repositories, since KDE4 is now quite another thing then what it was in 11.1 (with 4.1). This would have also the advantage to have still kmail handled by itself and not by Akonadi (AFAIK, if s.o. knows better please tell).
The “unoffical” - “official” repos and an explanation on what this all means is here:](KDE3 - openSUSE Wiki)