i moved to 11.1 a couple of days ago.i istalled gnome,kde 3.5 and xfce DE’s.well i cant say what the problem is but the installation is giving me all sorts of problems.at the login screen i selected gnome de and i get kde instead.i tried logging out and in again.nothing changed i still ended up with kde.i then changed to root and then logged out annd logged into user account and then i got gnome.when i tried xfce i get a menu with side pointing arrows the size of a desktop icon (48 x 48)and given that the items in xfce menu are very high my desktop started looking like a pile of garbage.
why is my istallation so messed up??
some how i managed to setup gnome to my liking and i have many applications configured and so i would not like to reinstall.
anybody having clue as to where i might have did wrong??
It sounds very odd. Is your /home/user* new or from a previous installation?
Try creating a new user and see if the same happens logging in with that.
no its a new installation.i recreated the partitions.my pervious 11.0 installation was perfectly fine.wanted to see how the new version performed and ended by kicking myself.