opensuse 11.1 desktop effect no title bar

opensuse 11.1
nvidia driver: 180.16 beta
when enable desktop effect ,all programs have no title bar .
this problem does not happen in root,happen just in normal user,
in normal user’s terminal,commandline compiz --replace have no error output.
is anyone else encount this problem?
anyone know how to fix this?

that is a stranger problem

Likely a driver problem. If using the open source driver you can reproduce this problem, you should file a bug. Also: are you using dual monitors?

If you have enabled emerald try “emerald --replace”.

If emerald is not enabled and if you are on Gnome try “metacity --replace”. If KDE “kwin --replace”.

It’s not a driver problem. It’s wrong repo

CyberOrg » Compiz on openSUSE 11.1

ok, i was wasted with this annoyance and there was this guy saying that window decorations doesn’t go anywhere because it’s actually there, you just have to go after you have done emerald --replace, you have to go to the upper right corner of the window and little bit stretch it and it will then show up. Now I have both working emerald and compiz on my new desktop which is opensuse 11.1.

btw there is also this little thingy you might have to do:

yeah and thanks Bender…Rodrigez!

Also working for some is removing compiz entirely (sudo zypper remove compiz*) then reinstalling using the one-click installer. Compiz Fusion - openSUSE

(this may actually amount to the same thing)

Well, i originally installed compiz from one click install. That doesn’t help. You have to login and type either metacity --replace or emerald --replace to get titlebars in GNOME everytime you login:. in KDE, you just have to do it once and KDE automatically uses emerald the next you login.

Actually, if you open the CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM) and scroll down to Effects, there’s an option called Window manager. If you make sure that’s checked and then click into it you’ll see a setting called command. On a first install it’ll have compiz-decorator in there, which is wrong. If you manually replace that with

emerald --replace

It will load emerald when compiz-fusion starts up.

Take care,
