OpenSUSE 11.1 Compiz and QT4

The first one is the one that comes with SUSE.
I’ll try the second one, thanks. I’ll report here if it works.


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khoonasham;1926925 Wrote:
> I added the following two repositories and updated, I don’t have the
> problem any more, lol…
> ‘Index of /repositories/X11:/Compiz/openSUSE_11.1’
> (
> ‘Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.1’
> (

Ok I was planning to go back to 11.0 tonight but I now removed the
Community Repository ‘Index of /repositories/X11:/Compiz/openSUSE_11.1’

Then removed all of Compiz and settings. Then I added the ‘Index of
repository and installed Compiz again. After restarting X Compiz was
running with all settings (I removed) and it works perfectly now!!

Can anyone explain to me the difference between both repository’s? Why
do the Compiz files from the second one work better then the one that
comes with SUSE? And should I revert back to the other repository over
time or?

Anyways, thanks and me happy! rotfl!


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Btw, whats funny;

At the point where Compiz from the other repo would hang/crash you can
see a little delay in this working compiz version. Not always, but
enough to hold your breath :slight_smile:


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