openSUSE 11.1 and gDesklets


I need someones help figuring out why gDesklets won’t run. from the command prompt, I get “Could not import tiling module!”

Any ideas? when I look in the log folder for gDesklets, there is no log file.

gbrethen wrote:

> :frowning:
> I need someones help figuring out why gDesklets won’t run. from the
> command prompt, I get “Could not import tiling module!”
> Any ideas? when I look in the log folder for gDesklets, there is no
> log file.
there’s some similar posts in Ubuntu forums and 1 solution was to
compile from sources or there seems to be a newer version in this repo
but what is “GNOME:/Factory/openSUSE_11.1”?

Suse 11.0 x64, Kde 4.2beta (unstable repo), Opera 9.x weekly

I tried the updated package, but same results…

gbrethen wrote:

> I tried the updated package, but same results…
same here

there’s a Ubuntu forum post somewhere that implies a disconnect between
gdesklets and Python causes this - maybe to do with 11.1 using Python
2.6. I think you should consider compiling from source

Suse 11.0 x64, Kde 4.2beta (unstable repo), Opera 9.x weekly

Hi all,

I have same issue

I tried compilation from source and the same problem. If you do a gdesklet check you can see this:

Checking requirements:

  • sys … found
  • xml.parsers.expat … found
  • xml.sax … found
  • gtk … found
    ERROR:pyorbit-utils.c:39:_pyorbit_escape_name: assertion failed: (keyword_mod != NULL)
  • ORBit …Aborted

I have the orbit installed!!!

In the README file there is a dependence with python-pyorbit 2.0.1 and I can not find it.

My conclusion is that there is a problem with 11.1 and gDesklet dependences, so we have to wait for a patch.

OK, That makes sense.

Thanks for the info.

I’m assuming this is still a problem an not yet patched? I guess the developers are too busy adding/busting stuff in 11.2 to fix issues broken in 11.1.

guys, this link posted info on how to get gdesklets working, it seems to work for me on sled11, so should work on opensuse 11.1

fix for gdesklets - openSUSE Forums

hope that helps,
