OpenSuse 11.0

Just wanted to say that I’ve come full circle after several years. I’ve been distro hopping for that long and will continue to I guess but may stop here. This is the best I’ve seen so far with KDE 4.1 . I like the way my computer runs, the yast package manager works very well. I couldn’t be happier. I enjoy distro hopping but right now I can say Opensuse is by far ahead of the pack. (I’ll admit thought I’ve just tried Fedora 10 preview (KDE) it also looks good but can’t comment much on the rest yet.) I started my Linux career with Suse 6.0, 1, 2 ? Can’t remember and it was a sweet experience that has hooked me ever since. I vowed I never go back to Windoze though I must admit I puchased installed Vista only to regret having done that altogether. Keep up the good work on this distro. It is in my honest opinion very very good and has come along way since Suse 6. Thanks once again. . . .


yes your right
however lol! CentOS rocks is so fast but no yest

i likes mandrake
i liked redhat
and i like suse
but my suse desktop 10 dvds had errors and i couldent install it

Hi yall,NEWBIE for OPENSUSE - New here never messed around with Opensuse 11 yet, my friend left it on my desk on friday and havent had a chance to install it. Im hoping this comes to me naturally since i have always messed around with windows OS’s. Lets see how it comes up with my old school dual 1ghz pentium 3 server…lol :wink: What do you guys recommend to do in order to optimze performance?

There used to be a page around on running openSUSE on olde hardware. I can’t seem to find it, but basically you want to go through Yast’s runlevel editor and disable as many uneeded services as you can. For instance, on an old Pentium desktop, disable powersaved, microcode ctl, postfix, etc. There were some other tips but I can’t remember them all.

Hi Rich & Welcome!

Glad you had a smooth return to openSUSE :slight_smile:
Hope you stick around as openSUSE 11.1 is just around the corner (including KDE 4.1.3 with an easy update to 4.2)

have allot of fun! :wink:

most services dont run unless needed and microcode is just to update the cpu nothing more wont run after

ps a 1 ghz machine is more than the poweryou need with a nice graphics card

Its nice to hear people respond to my question. Dont mean to sound like ignorent SOB most of the software you guys are mentioning its like mumbo jumbo for me. I grew up using Windows 3.11 and never got out of the windows addiction.:bad:… Im thinking of running a secure webserver from my house thats one of the reasone I am motivated in getting to know this OS, only hear good things about linux webservers. After all seeing Vista that just pissed me off how much crap i had to deal with.Plus its not free, hehehe. As of now im starting to get familiar with this OS. Its not as bad as i thought. …so ill keep chewing this OS…oh for the 1.0GHZ server, ill just need wait for another time or probably scrap it or use it for a table for the meantime…i am responding to you guys on OpenSUSE 11.0 on a AMD Opteron 144 1.8GHZ (never overclocked) 512MB of Mem and 10GB HD space. My other sticks of memory craped out on me and registered memory is not cheap.Im hoping i can get some advice on how to start a moderate multimedia (video streaming) webserver(HD space i have about 40 gb for now which is not a lot but will obtain plenty more down the road)

when you install SUSE 11 in the installer there is a seting after software where it will tell you the run level it runes at by default
set it to init 3 thuse when you use it as a server it wont be using the desktop

however all the config tools are on the desktop
so how do you get there eh ?
type init 5 after logging on as root
use yast to configure all your stuff
then reboot
you will start at run level init 3 bingo no desktop and no overhead

ps suse needs just about 5 gigs to install so …
40 gb is a linux paradise and adding a new harddisk later will mean loads of space for your server

ps i runn SUSE 11 on a durron 1ghz ( thats a cheaper amd from the past ) and it works fine with a good graphics card download the drivers for it and install them at init 3
init 5 will prevent the nvidia drivers from installing