I’m a newbie. Have Ubuntu working OK on a windows XP laptop. Used Linux magazine disk and downloaded and installed SUSE 11 on a Samsung vista home premium laptop (320 GB HDD, 3GB RAM). Boot menu shows openSUSE, Failsafe, Windows 1 and Windows 2. Vista (Windows 1) worked OK afterwards (Samsung runs Recovery Solution II for re-install problems). Got Failsafe to load, and a wired broadband connection, but with main SUSE, the white progress bar moves a couple of millimetres and freezes.
I really want to gets grips with Linux and would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you.
My first guess is that have a problem with graphic card or monitor
so start in the failsafe mode as root than yast>hardware>graphic card and monitor it will probe you graphic card and monitor again.
If the setting are OK safe it.
And than try startx