openSUSE 11.0 only boots in failsafe mode

I’m a newbie. Have Ubuntu working OK on a windows XP laptop. Used Linux magazine disk and downloaded and installed SUSE 11 on a Samsung vista home premium laptop (320 GB HDD, 3GB RAM). Boot menu shows openSUSE, Failsafe, Windows 1 and Windows 2. Vista (Windows 1) worked OK afterwards (Samsung runs Recovery Solution II for re-install problems). Got Failsafe to load, and a wired broadband connection, but with main SUSE, the white progress bar moves a couple of millimetres and freezes.

I really want to gets grips with Linux and would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

My first guess is that have a problem with graphic card or monitor
so start in the failsafe mode as root than yast>hardware>graphic card and monitor it will probe you graphic card and monitor again.
If the setting are OK safe it.
And than try startx

While in safe mode, it couldn’t hurt running sax2 -r as well.