OpenSuse 11.0 and ifolder


i have new instalation with openSuse 11. I install mono and apache2 with yast2. When i install ifolder3-server-3.5.7039.1-1.i586.rpm, suse dasn’t have Where is it this package ?
I need help with step by step instruction how to install and configure ifolder.

Welcome, Rwitkowicz! :slight_smile:

For your first question, there is a package for libflaim available in the Standard OpenSUSE 11.0 repository. This repository should already be installed on your system, but to be sure, open a terminal window and issue the command zypper sl to output your currently installed repositories. If you have a repository called: openSUSE-11.0-Oss, then you are ready to install the package. Open YaST Package Manager and type into the search field: libflaim. There will be a package with that exact name; press the Install button and then the Apply button to install the package. Now I’m not completely sure, but that package should have the file If that doesn’t solve the problem, be sure to check (when you do the zypper sl command) that all your repositories are the 11.0 versions, and that no Factory or 10.3 versions of repositories are used. This can cause confliction errors.

If you don’t have the package, use the following 1-click installer:

libflaim Package (openSUSE:11.0/standard)

As for a tutorial, try this one: Ten Minute Setup

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:


I have succesfull installing ifolder server on openSUSE 11.0. Try my installation step
Hope it can help.


Works like a charm. Thanks.

One question I have is where do I need to go in order to change the place where the ifolder data from users are stored. I am not sure where the default is but I have created 50GB mount that I would like to use for the users ifolder data.

Nevermind. I found it.

Didn’t realize there was a How-To on the ifolder site.

Here it is: HowTo:Change the location of the stored data - iFolder

Ran into another snag. Anyone know where I can get the iFolder client for openSUSE11. I have another SUSE box I want to connect to the server with but cannot get the client installed.

Are you having trouble installing it?..or can’t find the client?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Can’t find the client for openSUSE 11.

Try also my ifolder client installation step both on openSUSE or windows client.
Good Luck!

I tried you step-by-step, nicely done and easy to follow. It looks like iFolder is installed but when I launch it I just get the Novell iFolder v3.6 dialog on my screen and in the systray I get a ballon pop-up that says iFolder is starting. Please wait for iFolder to start… Press here to cancel. I have allowed it to sit in this state for hours and nothing. It is like iFolder doesn’t start up correctly and I never received any options to setup my client to the server.

Any advice?

Seem it’s different version between server & client.

Is your server version also 3.6.7318.1dl9pf which get from here

Also try to restart apache before starting client

I had everything working great but have upgraded to openSUSE 11.1, didn’t think there was going to be any issues but I tried following your “how-to” which worked great for 11.0 but for 11.1 iFolder client appears to be installed but when I try to launch it nothing happens.

Here are the steps I used: 10 step iFolder Client Installation on Linux

I also installed xsp 1.1.18-1.fc6 but noticed an update to 2.0-13.22 but when I try to install it I get the same results. iFolder when launched from the Application menu does nothing.

Any ideas?