OpenSUSE 10.3 on HP 360 Disc monitoring?


I have 2 HP DL360G4 running 10.3 and I would like to install some tool to monitor the raid-controller. ie. Getting a message if a disc fail.

Anyone have any good ideas about this?

Search on hp’s supportsite but didnt found anything for OpenSUSE only SLES.

Thanks a lot!


fredde nu wrote:

> Hi!
> I have 2 HP DL360G4 running 10.3 and I would like to install some tool
> to monitor the raid-controller. ie. Getting a message if a disc fail.
> Anyone have any good ideas about this?
> Search on hp’s supportsite but didnt found anything for OpenSUSE only

Read stuff at:

You’ll see info on things like arrayprobe, cpqarrayd, etc…


I saw that page yesterday aswell, but Im not really sure where to start. Do you have any recommendation of which software to test?

Thanks again


Answer myself…

  • Added the kernel-source with YaST
  • Downloaded Arrayprobe
  • tar xvf, ./configure, make install

freja:/home/fredde/arrayprobe-2.0 # arrayprobe
OK Arrayprobe All controllers ok

Sweet :slight_smile:

fredde nu wrote:
> I have 2 HP DL360G4 running 10.3 and I would like to install some tool
> to monitor the raid-controller. ie. Getting a message if a disc fail.

first: 10.3 has not been supported with any security (or other)
updates for about a year (and, the kernel itself has had several
security updates in the last year…so, i highly recommend you not
expose that system to the internet unless you have . . .

second: while i don’t think it monitors the raid-controller itself,
but for direct monitoring of disks themselves i don’t think you can do
better than S.M.A.R.T., if your disks are new enough to support that…

and, it is (or was) easily loaded from the standard 10.3 repos via
YaST, search for “smartmontools”…or, it may be on the DVD…

> Search on hp’s supportsite but didnt found anything for OpenSUSE only

yep, SLES is supported a LOT longer than openSUSE…

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