I have never used Linux before. First time. I have burned a DVD with openSUSE 11.1 and used it for installation, using KDE. No problems until I tried to open the openOffice. Application starts with a grey frame with openOffice.org text , stays for a few seconds, thereafter screen turns black and a few seconds later I’m at log in screen. I type the password and get back in to dashboard again. This can be repeated over and over again. What’s wrong ?
Welcome to the SuSE Linux Forum.
The post at the following has a number of suggestions.
NEWBIES - Suse-11.1 Pre-installation – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums
Did you do a MD5 media check prior to install?
You can check the media now using YaST → Software → Media Check
Also, the monitor settings may be incorrect. These can be set using
YaST → Hardware → Graphics Card and Monitor
Good input, should have read before download and burning. I don’t have the ISO image so I could only run the check on the DVD. I Boot from the DVD and choose “Check installation Media”. Show “Linuxrc v3.3.22 kernel” and “openSUSE-11.1, CD1”
This resulted in the message “No errors found”
It then took me to new installation where I did choose “Repair”
System showed and repaired a few things and then said it is repaired and ok, theese were;
- No valid fstab-post entry was found for the devices listed in table (listed was the SCSI-hard drive)
- None verified packages ; cups, glibc-locale, hal, htp and postfix (they were re-installed ok)
- start handle error identified (corrected)
However , this didn’t change the problem with openOffice, it is still the same. I found there is more of this because starting YaST it ask for password, I enter password and thereafter the screen goes black and I’m out. Have to log in again. How can I use YaST then ?
that’s really strange.
try this:
open up a terminal and write
su -
(enter admin password)
sax2 -r
check if everything is OK and press save
After entering command sax2 -r a screen frame comes up “SaX2:X11 configuration”
It shows the Graphic Card, Monitor, Mouse and Keyboard configurations. I run the test which was avaliable and it worked fine. All configuration data seems to be correct as far as I can see.
I also did following, Software tab → System → configuration → X11 system (SaX2). This open the same frame as command “sax2 -r” did but in local language instead of English language.
“Install software” also open OK (YaST2)
I have gone through most of the installed stuff and most of them opens OK. The ones that do not are the following, (they are the ones which sending me out to the log in screen)
All openOffice (tried also quick start which said “Quick start mode not supported” and send me out)
It works , however there are discrepancies in the Monitor configurations.
Basic info: This PC has run OK under Win2000 for some time.
What did I do: I lowlevel formated the hard drive and re-installed Linux. I run it with the fail safe mode and found that it worked with YaST and also openOffice under failsafe mode. Re-started with normal mode and it all woked now also in this mode.
The Monitor settings show strange things though. If anyone have any ideas where to look to find the reason for this it would be appriciated.
SaX2 show 1280 x 1024 (16,7 M, 24 bit). When running the test before saving it shows 1024 x 768, 75Hz, 60 kHz. Looking in system configuratins → Screen it shows "Default, 1024 x 768 (72,0 Hz)