How in the world can I get the installed.
I have installed the program twice and every attempt to launch it does nothing.
I’d really like to use this application. :’(
Install from Packman
here is a link
Didn’t work either. Used my Ubuntu box to install it and it still didn’t work. Need another program , going to try something else.
What does “it didn’t work” mean? Thats so vague, …
Sorry about that I was upset.
When I installed it on OpenSUSE 11 the program just doesn’t open when I attempt to launch it from the applications brower. I click the icon and nothing happens.
On Ubuntu that application opens but crushes almost immedicately once I start to attempt to work with it.
Try running it from a terminal
I’m not sure of the command, but use menu edit and go to the Openmovie editor to see the properties and you should see a command to run it
type that in a terminal
see what errors appear
Have you considered using something else?
When I ran it from the terminal I get the following:
“homer@suse11:~> openmovieeditor
When submitting a BUG report, or SUPPORT request, please include the following information:
(See Help->About… too)
Open Movie Editor Version: 0.0.20081029
Libquicktime Version: 1.0.3
Libquicktime API Version: 9
[x11] Warning: Could not get GL Visual
XRequest.143: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 0x3a00002
Segmentation fault”
I googled this and couldn’t find anything.
OK what video card/device do you have and have you installed any drivers?
Laptop is using the Intel 945 using 1024X768 res.
I forgot where to go add drivers to the for the vga.
In Yast Hardware - Monitor/Graphics
under monitor
see if it’s possible to check the Active 3D box
was then when launching it from Ubuntu or from openSUSE ?
That was from OpenSUSE
I have checked the Active 3D box (restarted afterward).
Still get the same error from terminal and it doesn’t do anything when I launch it from the application browser.
I believe this to be a packaging bug.
To test what you observed, I installed OpenMovieEditor on my openSUSE-11.0 test box, and tried to run it. I obtained the same error.
I recommend you send an email to the packman packager, including the information they ask for, and also an annotation as to the error you see. You could also reference this thread.