Hello All,
Firstly, my apologies if this has been a repeated topic but I haven’t had much luck.
We are setting up a custom TCP sockets server application on Open SuSE 11.1 for our online product and we’ve tried to poke a hole through the built in firewall but socket connections from clients on the local network are still refused on the port we opened. If we run the client locally on the same box it’s ok; it used the loopback address of course when the host name was looked up.
From what I’ve learned from other threads, the firewall configuration found in Yast serves 2 purposes. It not only keeps people out but it also manages port forwarding. So turning off the firewall doesn’t fix the problem because it disables even having the open port.
Is there an easy way to determine if the port we opened actually truly is opened up?
I have not configured our server yet as a background service, we are just running it from the command line to do intranet only testing at the moment and generate logs and debug.
Source code checks out, same source runs under OS X and Win32 socket environments without connection refusals so I am pretty sure its got something to do with our Linux boxes’ setup.
I’d appreciate any Linux guru advice on the matter.