I am trying to configure an HP Photosmart C4080 all in one printer. It recognized the printer automatically, but when I went through the prompts to configure it and the scanner it didn’t work. I then tried configuring it trough YAST, but still nothing.
Can anyone please run me through the steps to get this machine to print and scan. I may be a bit out of my depth here with Linux, so please be patient.
Thank you Malcom, but unfortunately, no response from the printer or scanner. In the YAST configure window, it seemed
to have queued four times. I deleted them and tried again. Now queued as default but still no cigar.I am completely puzzled now.
Tried running it on another computer, no probs - printers fine.
I must be doing something wrong with the configuring , tried a few things. Nothing worked.
I’m not familiar with HP printers, but this HP Printer HOW TO mentions:
Since the YaST printer module fails HP (Hewlett-Packard) printer users on openSUSE 11.0, this article will show how to install HP printers without YaST, as a workaround.
I myself have had issues with the yast printer config tool, so always use the vendor specific software (if it exists), or the CUPS interface (for network and local printers). In this case the hp-setup tool should work for you.
Trying again from square one, it did again print the HP test page. But when i try to print antthing I want, for example the page we are viewing now, or a text file, pdf file etc, it wont.
Checking the printer Kjob viewer, the jobs are listed as ‘processing’ for the first one and ‘queued’ for the others, but they have been there a while and don’t look they will happen any time soon.
Does anyone recognize the problem here please?
> Hello,
> I am trying to configure an HP Photosmart C4080 all in one printer.
> It recognized the printer automatically, but when I went through the
> prompts to configure it and the scanner it didn’t work. I then tried
> configuring it trough YAST, but still nothing.
> Can anyone please run me through the steps to get this machine to
> print and scan. I may be a bit out of my depth here with Linux, so
> please be patient.
> Thank you
Could this actually be a HP Photosmart C4280 or a Canon C4080?
P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green
I set up my mothers HP Photosmart C4280 printer on her openSUSE-11.1 and it works great.
Note that I installed “hplip” and “hplip-hpijs” as packaged by Packman, as the Packman packagers tends to provide a relatively new version of hplip. Note this package will NOT help you if your printer is a Canon C4080.
Oh, I just realized I mistyped that. It is actually a HP Photosmart C4480.
Thank you everyone for the support. I am still chipping away at the problem with some success. I installed HPLIP and I am now able to print files by entering the HPLIP device manager, but am unable to print directly. I cannot print anything from the web in any browser. The scanner is also not configuring. Still scratching my head on that but at least I am part of the way.
Thanks Oldcpu, I will try the Packman.