Open office... what the phrack???

Err I just noticed this issue:
Running open office I was creating a small doccument for a project I am doing but when I hit “save as” well…
It wont save!
Seriously, if I try to create a doccument it wont save no matter what I do.
Automatic file extension is selected, so say if I wanted to name my document fred.odt normally open office would save it as such.
But not on opensuse, it will just recycle the save dialog as if it didnt save… and it wont.
And when I manually add the .odt to it, it wont change a thing.
The doccument simply wont save.
I tried to manually add the file via file manager… nothing.
Err what the???
Using Openoffice 3.0.1

Save it - close the file. is it saved.??

Nope, nothing…
This is on creating a new doccument within open office, not saving on a older file.
It looks to work with a pre existing file, but not on a fresh new file I wish to create.

I don’t have this issue myself. I think my first stop would be the .ooo3 folder

Try a re-name to .ooo3_old

Are you running openSUSE 11.1 and the shipped OOffice or did you add the Build Service. I’m just the shipped ver.

Yeh I am using OpenSuse 11.1 (x86) and I did use the community open office repo found here:
Index of /repositories/

Note the “stable” not experimental, I use this repo as Opensuse’s main repo only had open office 3.0, 3.0.1 has a bugfix that issued me in 3.0 and its also a security update too as a bonus.
If I was using the experimental one I would expect something like this, but not on one listed as stable.
I would manually install open office from its website, but as usual there are just too many bloody packages to install at once.
Thats why I try to find a repo to update Open office, on Ubuntu I use the PPA’s and they never gave me an issue like this.
Very odd issue too, I mean the version on Ubuntu’s PPA’s is the same as this and no issues there…
Its either a bug with Open office that I doubt, or Opensuse…
I suspect the latter, something here isnt quite right.
I also updated my KDE from 4.1 to 4.2.1 but even so I did that on my Ubuntu install… again no issues.
If its a goof somewhere then I would like to see if it can be fixed.

Note: I am not saying Ubuntu is perfect either, I have quite a many bugs on that too thats why I try out other distros every so often.

Alright I fixed the issue, it seems when I updated openoffice it messed up my save function.
I think its a dual issue with Openoffice and Opensuse.
I reinstalled openoffice and that is what fixed my issue.
It seems this issue is similar to the issue with openoffice not being able to see the language pack that I saw a while back.