How can I update open office to open office 3.0? can anybody show a link towards this update process?
I am using suse 11.0 with gnome environment.
Thanks in advance
Add this repo
Index of /repositories/
then update it in Yast Software Management
Can U plz explain in detail the update process.i couldn’t understand anything by ur reply of adding repository… how to do it and where to do it…
an easier way plz…!!
Open yast - software - repositories
click add button, accept the default method - by url
in the window copy and paste this in to the url: Index of /repositories/
in the name section: OpenOffice
Now open yast - Software - Software Management
In the Filter box select repositiories
In the list of repositories select the OpenOffice
Now from the packages tab along the top, select update all in this list if newer version available.
There is a video you can download to see this method of package management (but it deals with a different subject)