Open .heif image

My search at Install package openSUSE:Factory / libheif tells me to install using

Box2:/home/ion # zypper addrepo
File ‘/repositories/openSUSE:Factory/standard/openSUSE:Factory.repo’ not found on medium ‘
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/…? shows all options] (a):

Which fails. What might be my next step?

Infamous host erlangen has it:

erlangen:~ # zypper se -is libheif
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name     | Type    | Version             | Arch   | Repository
i+ | libheif1 | package | | x86_64 | Packman
erlangen:~ # 
erlangen:~ # zypper lr Packman
Alias          : Packman
Name           : Packman
URI            :
Enabled        : Yes
GPG Check      : (r ) Yes
Priority       : 90 (raised priority)
Autorefresh    : On
Keep Packages  : On
Type           : rpm-md
GPG Key URI    : 
Path Prefix    : 
Parent Service : 
Keywords       : ---
Repo Info Path : /etc/zypp/repos.d/Packman.repo
MD Cache Path  : /var/cache/zypp/raw/Packman
erlangen:~ # 

Thank you. libheif is installed.

Box2:/home/ion # zypper se -is libheif
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository
i | libheif1 | package | | x86_64 | Packman_Tumbleweed

Now how do I execute the command to convert?

Everything that is present in this repository is also available in Tumbleweed.

As should be clear from its name, this package is a library. There are no commands in this package. You need to use one of programs built with this library. Like darktable, gimp, krita.

I did install gimp and it did convert it to .jpg, but I thought there might be a command line utility to convert a number of images.


Thank you. I will try it.

Nicely explained here:

heif-convert is not built on openSUSE.


@arvidjaar correct, only with the Packman version… there is also the gimp plugin on Packman.

But then one needs to install heif-examples, not libheif1 (which will be pulled in as dependency).